Videos: .mydata electrical test option is off (Page 1 of 1)

Ersa ETS-250

Ersa ETS-250


- Machine is available at any time, - Foam fluxer, - Single wave (laminar), - 3pcs of frame included, - Working condition. - YOM - 1995. It is filled with SN100C (106 kg) and we can provide report of test on the purity of the alloy. Equipmen


Viscom AOI

Viscom AOI


High accuracy inspection guarantees reliable defect detection of die bonds, ball-to-wedge, wedge-to-wedge and security bonds Inspection of minimal wire thicknesses up to 15 µm Reliable differentiation of wire courses Recognition of defective bon

Viscom AG

Datamate Mix-Tek - High-Rel Mixed Layout Connectors combine signal (3A), power (20A) & coax (6Ghz) contacts to reduce PCB footprint.

Datamate Mix-Tek - High-Rel Mixed Layout Connectors combine signal (3A), power (20A) & coax (6Ghz) contacts to reduce PCB footprint.


This video is no longer up-to-date - please visit the URL below for the latest Mix-Tek video: Datamate Mix-Tek - High-Rel Mixed Layout Connectors combine signal (3A), power (20A) & coax (6Ghz) contacts to reduce PCB foot



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