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Brand new and original

Brand new and original


>>CONTACT  MAC  NOW Email: Mobile: +8618020714662(WhatsApp) Skype: +8618020714662 >>>CONTACT  MAC  NOW ✦ Quick      Details ✦ Processor 266 MHz 32-bit ColdFire® 5475 with integrated floating-point unit

MOORE Automation Ltd.

Brand new and original

Brand new and original


>>CONTACT  MAC  NOW Email: Mobile: +8618020714662(WhatsApp) Skype: +8618020714662 >>>CONTACT  MAC  NOW ✦ Quick      Details ✦ Input Range -20 mA to +20 mA Resolution 0.8 microamps Over-Range Limits From -22 to +22 mA (+/-

MOORE Automation Ltd.

Brand new and original

Brand new and original


>>CONTACT  MAC  NOW Email: Mobile: +8618020714662(WhatsApp) Skype: +8618020714662 >>>CONTACT  MAC  NOW ✦ Quick      Details ✦ Input Range -20 mA to +20 mA Maximum Over Range ± 10% (= ± 27500 counts) Resolution 0.8 µA Inp

MOORE Automation Ltd.


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