Videos: stick to cover tape (Page 1 of 1)

Hitachi GD Feeders

Hitachi GD Feeders


we have many panasonic feeder for cm402/602 machines in stock as below : 8mm double lane tape feeder with sensor, part No.KXFW1KS5A00, KXFW1KSBA00 without sensor. 12/16mm/emboss tape feeder with sensor, part No.KXFW1KS6A00, KXFW1KSCA00 without sen

Shenzhen Zhi Honglai Trading Co.,Ltd

Hitachi GD Feeders

Hitachi GD Feeders


we have many hitachi equipment and hitachi feeders to sell . if you want to know more , please contact us

Shenzhen Zhi Honglai Trading Co.,Ltd

hitachi feeders and feeder cart

hitachi feeders and feeder cart


we have many universal gold plus feeders to sell .

Shenzhen Zhi Honglai Trading Co.,Ltd

JUKI Electronic Feeders

JUKI Electronic Feeders


Electronic & Mechanical JUKI Feeders Juki offers a wide variety of tape and stick/tube feeders to place any part. Juki also offers a spliceable tape feeder from 8mm (0402) through 24mm. Easy Bar Code Reading Stiffer Cover Structure Height A

Southwest Systems Technology

Mirae Mx200 SMT Pick and Place Using a TFU

Mirae Mx200 SMT Pick and Place Using a TFU


MX200P has a IPC9850 Speed of 15,000CPH. 4 Modular Heads, 1 Precision Head, capable of inspecting and placing parts from 01005's (0402 metric) through 1.96"x 1.96" square, or 3.54" x 1.18" rectangular.Pitch capablity 12 mil, 80 feeder slots. All Mir

Apex Factory Automation

Mx400L in production on a 243 pc board using front and rear gantries simultaneously

Mx400L in production on a 243 pc board using front and rear gantries simultaneously


Mx400L has an IPC 9850 speed of 42,000 CPH. It will accomodate a PCB size up to 26.77" x 18.11", it has 6 module heads on the front gantry, 6 module heads on the rear gantry. minimum lead pitch is 15mil, and it will place parts down to 01005 (0402 me

Apex Factory Automation


stick to cover tape searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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