Electronics Forum: .brd files (Page 1 of 3)

Script to extract Gencad from allegro .brd file

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 31 15:25:23 EST 2005 | frodriguez

Does any one have a Unix or Windows Script in order to extract Gencad file from Allegro .brd file?

Script to extract Gencad from allegro .brd file

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 01 02:05:17 EST 2005 | garine

there is a script which can extract the .out file ,and put it into trilogy5000,then can output the GENCAD. the way is underectly.

Script to extract Gencad from allegro .brd file

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 01 08:31:55 EST 2005 | frodriguez

Do you know where or How can i get this script? We are currently using Trilogy,but right now we are requesting to some one else to extract the .out file to someone else. Thanks

How to convert eagle files to gerber files

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 24 21:15:32 EST 2014 | hhat

Hi all, It is a big trouble for me does anyone know if there are any fast way to convert Eagle Cad .brd pcb files to Gerber pcb files?

Philips CSM66.xls to create BRD & FDR files easier

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 21 13:42:05 EDT 2007 | andras

Hi to All, I have bought my CSM66 ~3 years ago. It has a not too user friendly interface... :-( But fortunately it has a great possibility to upload files via RS232. So I have created a simple excel sheet to build those tricky BRD & FDR files. Here

How Can I generate Pick and place files from Eagle

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 14 07:47:06 EDT 2018 | sarason

Use my program PCBSynergy https://pcbsynergy.com It will read an Eagle XML Brd file and generate over 80 different Pick and place files from 11 different manufacturers. You can also use it to generate a PCBCSV file that can also be input into othe

Philips CSM66.xls to create BRD & FDR files easier

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 22 01:51:41 EDT 2007 | jmelson

&F(27).NO4=0 NO4 is for the prep head, which you probably don't have. So, it is zero to mean don't use the prep head. &F(27).DSPF=1 This is the "display flag", it apparently means this component slot in the file contains valid data for a real compon

Philips CSM66.xls to create BRD & FDR files easier

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 22 00:05:15 EDT 2007 | sarason

Is anyone else using XON/XOFF handshaking, or is it best to >use CTS/RTS hardware handshaking? If you are using >XON/XOFF, what parity settings are you using? (Not unheard >of for the XON/XOFF chars to not obey the parity settings >for data chars.)

Philips CSM66.xls to create BRD & FDR files easier

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 21 15:08:48 EDT 2007 | jmelson

I did things using a language I am more familiar with, and it allows me to set up a list of components, feeder locations, pick-up orientations, proper head to use, etc. My problem is I haven't gotten fully reliable communications when downloading th

XY Data from .BRD life

Electronics Forum | Thu May 19 23:55:54 EDT 2022 | duchoang

I have a .BRD file. I need to extract XY Data from it. Using Allegro-Cadence, I can view the XY Data but I can not extract, copy and paste to Excel or Notepad or Text file. Anybody can help me?

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