Electronics Forum: .ftp (Page 1 of 3)

Six Sigma/Velocity/FTP

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 19 14:25:07 EST 1999 | Mark Milward

Is anyone out there familar with the Quality system six sigma, velocity and first time pass(FTP). I'm aware of six sigma programs in SMT/PWA operations, but not the concepts surrounding velocity and FTP. I would appreciate someone pointing me in the

MyData TP9-UFP Networking

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 07 09:35:59 EST 2011 | upguy

We have a MyData TP9-UFP that we would like to network with a PC as a network. The documentation that we have is, at best, minimal. To export files, our choices with TPSys 1.5.18 are DOS-disk, UNIX, Kermit and FTP. The files are too big for a flop

IP3 motion video

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 17 23:59:26 EDT 2007 | ____

Mark, Post an ftp site to upload to and I'll send what I have.

IP3 motion video

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 20 12:27:52 EDT 2007 | mmjm_1099

Do not have a ftp site for this. Can you post youtube or myspace?


Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 22 10:18:33 EST 2002 | Joaquin Rodenas

Dear Mr. Liang I'm a service ingeneer in a distributor of FUJI products. My first suggestion is get some help from the FUJI dealer in your territory, but anyway try the following: First of all, check again the FTP tool included in F4G-main windows

Dek 265

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 04 11:09:46 EST 2005 | moonshine

I concur with other advice. Visit http://www.moonmanondarkside.com for much more information and free operational procedures, from the POD ftp site, for this venerable machine. MoonMan

mydata program file locations

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 20 16:54:43 EDT 2009 | tech1

Or you can FTP them through your server, put them in the /home/tpsys/spool/ directory. the machine will automatically place them in the appropriate directory.


Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 16 12:12:46 EST 2012 | yestechservice

This documentation can be downlaoded from our FTP site. Please contact us at 1.760.918.8471 or via email at service@nordsonyestech.com and the first person availble should be able to help you.

Pick n Place tape dot

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 28 12:25:11 EDT 2014 | tombstonesmt


CP7 & CP8

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 12 00:27:38 EDT 2015 | mdang

CP7 & CP8 has a ftp server. Do anyone know the user name and password to login? Thanks, -Michael

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