Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 16 10:44:29 EDT 2007 | Jacky
Hi All, Recently, we encountered strange defect at our SMT line. We can see solder ball spatter around at one of the component pad. This lead to insufficient solder defect at 1 side of the component. The other side of the component look good(Meet
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 16 11:25:22 EDT 2007 | davef
For the problem part, describe the pads on the board and the aperatures on the stencil.
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 01 14:51:23 EDT 2011 | jaimebc
We are currently experiencing a high rate of false calls on our 0402 chips. Resistors for the most part. Has anybody out there found a setting where this false calls are minimized? We are using top red light, pattern inspection,color inspection ( wh
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 16 16:42:40 EDT 2007 | pnguyvu
Hi Jacky, It seems you have solder bead problem, beading occurs when the solder paste brick splatter as a component is placed into it, after reflow, the splatter becomes a spherical solder ball. Hope this will help. Steve USA STENCILS
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 20 16:39:18 EDT 2007 | john_smith
Jacky, we have had a similar problem. We needed to go to a smaller nozzle and also check your vacuume system and air kiss.Could be after placement when the machine blows air to insure the part is off the nozzle that it is effecting the solder brick.
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 04 11:46:20 EDT 2011 | frcdave
I was thinking the same thing. Try turning off your anchors and look at the size of your search and % match you have set. if you are concerned about not catching missing components, try training a negative template.
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 01 18:32:51 EDT 2011 | frcdave
Dback, Some questions for you: 1. Are you using the red light configuration for better contrast on the 0402 parts? 2. Is your system fitted with both low and High Magnification cameras? Have you spoken with the guys at YESTech? Their phone support i
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 04 11:27:07 EDT 2011 | fishingfool
Dback, Most likely shouldn't have color inspection on. Using red light colors will look the same so you gain nothing by using this. What exactly are you getting as false calls? Sounds like you have lots of things going on in this type of inspect
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 17 22:54:51 EDT 2006 | Darby
Short answer is - not really. According to the manual in Chapter 1-5 Supply devices (Feeders) overview "There are also available an 8mm tape feeder which handles 1005(0402) square chips". I have never seen one. The problem is that even an H nozzle is
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 31 22:42:41 EDT 2001 | chip
In the past I have spoken to Multitronics sales reps and looked into the product line. I saw their equipment more suited for a smaller "mom and pop" type shop, I work for a mid size contract house and it wouldn't have come close to meeting my needs.