Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 20 13:19:18 EDT 2001 | davef
According to the summary page of the main forum, the following thread: "Oven Throughput Pete July 19, 2001 10:31 PM" � has 6 postings to the thread. But when one opens the thread, there are only the following postings on the tread: "Oven Through
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 19 01:58:30 EDT 2019 | dhanish
May I know what is the requirement for side fillet for QFN?Any information from IPC spec on QFN side fillet?We cant make the solder joint form at the side fillet.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 19 01:20:17 EDT 2000 | Craig
Does anyone have any experience wave soldering TQFPs. Our R&D is wanting us to do this but we (production) are hesitant. I've found some recommended pad designs and solder theiving designs in a Philips app note "SMD Mounting Methods". The theory look
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 19 01:53:53 EDT 2022 | ttheis
We are in process of calibrating one of our GSM machines; we were able to successfully calibrate the front and rear ULC's but when we moved on to calibrate the head we get a spindle runout error midway through the routine (pic attached.) The spindles
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