Electronics Forum: 07/19/01 (Page 1 of 1)

Cold Fusion Can't Count

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 20 13:19:18 EDT 2001 | davef

According to the summary page of the main forum, the following thread: "Oven Throughput Pete July 19, 2001 10:31 PM" � has 6 postings to the thread. But when one opens the thread, there are only the following postings on the tread: "Oven Through

QFN Side fillet

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 19 01:58:30 EDT 2019 | dhanish

May I know what is the requirement for side fillet for QFN?Any information from IPC spec on QFN side fillet?We cant make the solder joint form at the side fillet.

Wave solder of TQFPs

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 19 01:20:17 EDT 2000 | Craig

Does anyone have any experience wave soldering TQFPs. Our R&D is wanting us to do this but we (production) are hesitant. I've found some recommended pad designs and solder theiving designs in a Philips app note "SMD Mounting Methods". The theory look

GSM Spindle Runout Error

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 19 01:53:53 EDT 2022 | ttheis

We are in process of calibrating one of our GSM machines; we were able to successfully calibrate the front and rear ULC's but when we moved on to calibrate the head we get a spindle runout error midway through the routine (pic attached.) The spindles


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