Electronics Forum: 0805 (Page 1 of 51)

Equipment to measure stencil tension

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 01 16:22:25 EDT 2011 | jorge_quijano


0603's on 0805 pads

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 28 17:54:59 EDT 2000 | Steve Thomas

We're trying out 0603 packages on some 0805 footprints (at this stage only on some test boards) since our vendor tells us the 0805's are going to be getting harder to get, and more expensive to pay for. I understand the IPC footprint for the two is

Brownish Tint on 0805 components

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 02 09:49:12 EDT 2010 | vetteboy86

My problem is that a 10k 0805 chip looks fine next to a 100k 0805 that is brown.

Brownish Tint on 0805 components

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 20 12:42:30 EDT 2010 | cyber_wolf


Brownish Tint on 0805 components

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 20 14:12:12 EDT 2010 | tommyttr


Brownish Tint on 0805 components

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 20 14:13:17 EDT 2010 | cyber_wolf


Brownish Tint on 0805 components

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 16 08:03:33 EDT 2010 | vetteboy86

After reflow, is where this is noticed.

Brownish Tint on 0805 components

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 21 11:54:23 EDT 2010 | tommyttr

Could be metalization or leaching as well.

Brownish Tint on 0805 components

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 02 12:00:33 EDT 2010 | davef

Right. Put thermal couples on both of them and determine what the blank is different.

1206 Cap on 0805 Pad/Land

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 24 04:54:43 EST 2002 | wbu

Well Greg, I don�t know YOUR 0805 Pads but if you look at the recommended pattern for 0805 in IPC-SM-782 you might notice that the Z-dimension is somewhat about the size of your 1206 part length. With that and assuming that you ask if the results wi

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