Electronics Forum | Fri May 19 09:53:40 EDT 2017 | deanm
We machine place the first part, then add two dots of dispensable solder paste to the top of the terminations, then hand place the second part on top of the first. Reflow. It works better than hand soldering after reflow. The solder paste is dispens
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 21 09:34:54 EDT 2003 | caldon
A machine for serious concideration MRSI 175uf Features: -High-throughput Underfill -Parallel Processing Conveyor Lanes -Linear Positive Displacement Pump -Total Process Thermal Control -Intuitive Graphical User Interface - Windows NT -Advanced
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 10 13:52:58 EDT 2001 | davef
When you say that glue viscosity changes for lot to lot, is this LOT TO LOT of your product OR Loctite�s product? And when you say that glue viscosity changes, what do you mean [eg, increase by � , decrease by � , er watt?]. What specifically is th
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