Electronics Forum: 10mpf (Page 1 of 1)

GSM Nozzle Modification

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 08 13:16:16 EDT 2008 | swag

I'm trying to modify/machine a GSM 10MPF nozzle to pick an odd-shape part. Does anyone know how the spindle key relates to 0 degree orientation for successful pick? In short, I'm wanting to install two 10 MPF tips side by side, some distance apart

Nozzle life?

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 27 17:08:37 EST 2005 | //jh0n.

We're using 10MPF nozzles to pick 0603 components. I think I have noticed, that it does overlap. Is 08MPF the proper nozzle? These are also the only nozzles that I've had problems with - so this is probably the case.

Nozzle life?

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 27 17:12:03 EST 2005 | //jh0n.

Thanks for the reply. Like I just posted to the other replier, this is only a problem with 10MPF nozzles picking 0603 components off 8x4mm feeders. Feeders are all taught properly, and pick position is usually off by

Nozzle life?

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 27 17:30:19 EST 2005 | pmdeuel

I�m sure the 10MPF is not a correct nozzle to use. I don�t have manuals handy so I can�t answer as to the correct nozzle. We use a HSP 4792 to place all of our passive parts so I have never given this much thought. But the machine will not try to pla


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