Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 15 18:58:50 EST 2007 | leemeyer
Set the conveyor to run at 1 foot/minute and the conveyor moves 1 foot in 1:11. Set the conveyor to move 2 feet per minute and the conveyor moves 2 feet in 1:11. etc...
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 05 06:34:34 EDT 2013 | mandysmile
Hello, Why do not contact with mandy at mandysmile111@gmail.com. She supply 1-60 layers pcb with high quality and good price. skype id is mandysmile111. www.pcbconnect.se
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 05 06:43:37 EDT 2013 | mandysmile
hi, reese, why do not consider PCB Connect? 1-60 layers pcb supplier Yours Most Sincerely Mandy Yu Skype ID is mandysmile111 mandysmile111@gmail.com sales02@pcbconnectchina.com www.pcbconnect.se
Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 12 07:54:29 EDT 2013 | mandysmile
Dear Leeg, Can you pls share me your email, then i have detailed info for you. Yours Most Sincerely Mandy Yu Skype ID is mandysmile111 mandysmile111@gmail.com www.pcbconnect.se
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 26 13:15:51 EDT 1999 | jseagle
I guess I wasn't too specific. We currently use 1,1,1 for spot cleaning and minimal rework of PCBs. If there is a lot of rework on a PCB we will use water soluble flux and wash it. This may turn out to be our only alternative, but I hate washing a
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 29 21:22:15 EST 2000 | Kelvin Chow
Dear Hon, I would suggest you visit the JEDEC web site. The "publication 95" would be the document you are looking for. http://www.jedec.org Regards Kelvin
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 22 11:55:55 EDT 1999 | jseagle
I am looking for some recommendations for a cleaner for rosin flux. James
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 23 14:13:48 EDT 1999 | Bill Schreiber
Dear James, What is your application? Are you cleaning PCBs, pallets, tooling, etc? Is the flux pre or post solder? Bill Schreiber | I am looking for some recommendations for a cleaner for rosin flux. | | James |
Electronics Forum | Tue May 27 17:09:46 EDT 2003 | davef
J-STD-001C, Table 11-1 is a good starting point.
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 27 07:57:38 EDT 2007 | davef
Most suppliers provide guidance on proper assembly technique, like: http://global.kyocera.com/prdct/electro/pdf/add_pdf/111_119_e.pdf We have no relationship, nor receive benefit from the company referenced above.