Electronics Forum: 1989 (Page 1 of 5)

Re: Screen Printer Visual Inspection Equipment

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 16 12:45:15 EST 1999 | Karl M

I would like to talk to you about contact at kmighton@worldnet.att.net check out www.isystems.com

Tooltronics II In-Line wash Manuel.........

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 07 14:26:21 EDT 2005 | pjc

This should be the Ultraclean II H2O that Electrovert had made by Tooltronics. If so, I may be able to get a manual from 1989 machine.

Replacement IP2 nozzles/feeders

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 26 10:47:49 EDT 2010 | marcelll

I have in stock nozzles & feeders & spare parts for IP2 at very good price. Marcel Duclos Control MD Inc 514-349-1989

solderability and hasl thickness

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 12 09:10:23 EDT 2003 | Norm Morikawa

Around 1989 I had this probelmm with a SMT CCA that would not solder in one area consistently. I had it cross sectioned by the bare board supplier and found that under their metallurgical microscope the thickness of this HASL bare board could not be

Vapor batch cleaning of flux residues

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 19 17:53:17 EDT 2009 | aqueous

This is not a common method of defluxing. Vapor degreasers were the top choice pre-1989 but have given way to spray-in-air defluxing technology. Here come of the vapor degreaser manufacturers: Detrex http://www.detrex.com/ Baron Blakeslee http://

Re: span for througt hole components

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 15 13:42:50 EST 1998 | Tom B

I do not know the specific formula, bu I do have some Military Standard documentation from 1989 showing some inferences on span of components. Send me your fax number and I will fax you a copy. Tom B | Hello everybody: | somebody know about the

Re: span for througt hole components

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 23 03:29:15 EST 1998 | Thomas Schmidt

I�m interested in your list. Please send me the copy per fax. Here�s the number +49 821 69526 | I do not know the specific formula, bu I do have some Military Standard | documentation from 1989 showing some inferences on span of components. Send me

Recomendations? Fuji CP7 or Univ HSP4797?

Electronics Forum | Wed May 26 08:40:01 EDT 2004 | vickt

The Universal / Hitachi partnership is stronger than ever! Joint Ventures and other cooperative arrangements are now the norm in any industry and make product offerings much stronger. Our partnership is long term and dates back to 1989. Our most rece

Fuji IP-1 hesitates for a few seconds then continues working

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 23 03:53:44 EDT 2007 | Guest

Hi Bert , I dont know much about IP , since I partnered our Fuji CP 6 with Siemens .At any rate, can you check your flat ribbon cable of your Ip's Head. I assume there one wire that is nearly breaking. During movement, head servo controller experie

Could use some help

Electronics Forum | Mon May 21 09:06:33 EDT 2007 | davef

Pat: Very descriptive SUBJECT choice. Surface tension: * Soldering and Surface Tension; Champion, JA; Physics Education, V 16, No 2, 1981, pp 98-100(3) Institute of Physics [We have not looked at this, so we cannot comment, but it seems like an appr

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