Electronics Forum: 200pins (Page 1 of 2)

200 pin connector reflow

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 07 10:07:02 EST 2019 | charliedci

Requesting help from anyone with experience in reflowing Te Connect, PN 1565917-4, 200 pin connecter. Pic attached. Cannot get all 200 pins to wet, main suspect is slight PCB warping during reflow. Have adjusted reflow profile. A 2.75 inch long SMT c

200 pin connector reflow

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 07 21:28:31 EST 2019 | sssamw

The connector is so long, and has big metal parts, it will be little deformed during reflow I guess, andthe pins planarity should be critical for 200 pins. Did you measure the non wetting pins profile to see if temperature ok? And maybe you can try u

200 pin connector reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 08 05:40:54 EST 2019 | leeg

We place these on a few boards and have no issues with reflow or warpage. How thick is your PCB?

Press for press fit connectors

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 25 16:53:57 EDT 1999 | Mario

Hi, Does anybody know where I could get a cheap but efficient press for press fit connectors (200pins and up)? Pneumatic or Hand lever Mario

Straddle mount connector

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 08 03:33:33 EDT 1999 | Ron Lahat

Do you have experience with reflow process of a straddle mount connector on a 1.6 mm PCB ? Connector have more than 200 pins What is the process ? Thanks

Re: Straddle mount connector

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 10 01:45:45 EDT 1999 | Scott

| Do you have experience with reflow process of a straddle mount connector on a 1.6 mm PCB ? | Connector have more than 200 pins | | What is the process ? | | Thanks | Depends on the connector... For connectors that have pre-applied solder such as

200 pin connector reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 08 14:19:59 EST 2019 | dwl

You can try putting titanium stiffeners on the PCB to prevent it from warping. How thick is your stencil? More paste would give you a wider window however too much and you risk bridging. You could try over printing the pad at the heel and toe to get

200 pin connector reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 08 14:45:12 EST 2019 | charliedci

Appreciate the input from everyone. The PCB is .062" thick. As a CM we are at the mercy of our customer at this point although (hopefully) they are receptive to advice on the next build. Titanium strips could be an option, I also thought there might

Maximum Time Above Tg for PWB

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 24 18:04:46 EST 2005 | Dreamsniper

=130�C as per IPC-4104/21 What will happen if I expose the PWB Assembly with components to a temperature of between 135'C to 152'C, which is above Tg, for 1 hour? Will there be delamination or possible damage to my PWB? What about with the rests of

Re: Straddle mount connector

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 08 13:21:18 EDT 1999 | Bob Barr

Ron, We use 100 pin straddle mount connectors on some of our 1.6mm boards (up to eight per board.) They come to us from the vendor with a bead of solder on the somewhat 'J' shaped leads. Our process is as follows: Mount connector to board with hard

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