Electronics Forum: 2030 (Page 1 of 9)

Software printer MPM 2030 model

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 14 19:37:51 EST 2018 | ricardonascimento

Hi, Mr. and Mrs. I'm in Brazil and I need printer MPM model 2030 software. The image of some other hd can also help me a lot. Can someone help me? Thanos Ricardo Nascimento

Last Chance To See Mir

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 12 09:17:36 EST 2001 | Dave F

Mir is getting set-up to do a 10 point full gainer with a twist into the Pacific Ocean sometime in Febuary. So, this is your last chance to check it out in the night skies. As they say as you exit the plane ... bahbeye


Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 06 00:31:49 EST 1999 | Jeorge

How to calculate CPk of a chip shooter or a pick and place machine? And what's the right CPk? Want to have a rough understanding about CPk.

Re: CPk

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 06 17:02:52 EST 1999 | Michael Stewart

Have you ever tried using a vision system for measuring the part placement accuracy and then clacualting the Cpk's from these results, or do you strictly use the machine vision itself? My concern with using the machine vision is that it it is biased


Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 01 09:53:12 EDT 2004 | randygray

This depends on the options that the machine is equiped w/ Green camera, Vacuum under stencil wipe, etc.. Price range for 1998 20-30K US Regards, rgray

Tin Plating Storage

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 22 14:30:45 EST 2005 | davef

First, your supplier is probably the best source of storage recommendations. Second, storage under proper conditions (20�30�C,


Electronics Forum | Thu May 26 17:20:26 EDT 2005 | Rob

hI rOB, try considering Essemtec FLX 2020V or the 2030V. It is probably better than MyDATA. regards

Re: Loading leadless parts(passives)by hand

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 04 16:40:06 EST 1999 | Dave F

| Hi, | | For hand placement you should see about 150-200 ppm of errors (solder, placement, values etc) on a board populated of types such as 1206, 0805, SOT, Tantalum etc. . As for solely wrong components (component at wrong location) you can usual

Re: Loading leadless parts(passives)by hand

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 04 17:32:23 EST 1999 | SMTASSY

| Mario: Interesting analysis. What does "Hand placement versus wrong component should only ave. 20-30 ppm." mean? Is that a subset of errors? Thanks. Dave F | What I mean Dave is that if you have a good (well actualy a great set-up) with all t

Why So Many Repeat Messages?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 26 15:08:46 EDT 2001 | akruppa

We have done some work to reduce the amount of time that it takes to post to the Forum. We will continue to work on reducing the time it takes to post a message. This will be an ongoing project over the course of the next week. Please bear with us

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