Electronics Forum: 205 (Page 1 of 11)

Re: BGA Avoiding Voiding

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 18 22:01:46 EST 1999 | Dave F

100 sec) and decrease reflow temp to 205C.

Pinhole Solder Joint Reliability

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 23 06:54:06 EDT 2003 | davef

100 sec) and decrease reflow temp to 205C.

Popcorn effect with PBGA

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 04 12:41:20 EDT 2000 | emmanuel

In some technical reports, i have recently read that when processing a PBGA, it is worth controlling the reflow temperature under 205�C. Indeed, over 205�C some people have noticed plenty of popcorn effects. Is this point really true ? Does this te

Re: Splice Tape Vendor

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 12 08:00:29 EST 2001 | Stefan Witte

The tape comes from Tesa-Steier out of Hamburg, Germany. Part# 3.0740.00 Call 011 49 41214730

Re: Lo Behold Voids!!!!

Electronics Forum | Fri May 21 10:36:33 EDT 1999 | Dave F

100 sec) and decrease reflow temp to 205C. Call Tony Primavera over at that manufactuing equipment company just down the street from you. He's a wizard on voiding in BGAs. TTYL Dave F

Who Recycles reels, trays, tubes????

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 14 19:06:09 EDT 2001 | slthomas

SemiCycle has been acquired by SMARTCycle: 4401 Freidrich Lane Bldg.2, Suite 205 Austin, Texas 78744 Customer Service Ph# 1(800)580-7364

Smurf Coats

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 11 14:55:06 EST 2001 | davef

For one answer, look here: http://www.esdnw.org/Newsletters/05-09-01%20Newsletter/Page%205.htm

Conformal Coat Masking

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 04 13:54:01 EDT 2003 | A

Conformal Coating Equipment Vendors for selective conformal coating of PCBAs: http://www.asymtek.com/products/sc_105_205.htm http://www.pva.net/ http://www.ultraspray.com/spraycoating/index.htm

Manufacturers of

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 19 13:46:14 EST 2004 | Dreamsniper

I used ASSCON VP450 with Galden 205 Fluid. It worked fine. Good Solder Joint Quality. I'm not promoting the product just sharing what I had.

Camalot needles

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 20 08:50:28 EST 2005 | davef

Try: * Count On Tools 800.538-0426 sales@cotinc.com http://www.cotinc.com * Nozzle Supply Co. 205-266-8770 Fax 256-378-0629 http://www.nozzlesupply.com

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