Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 31 09:13:13 EDT 2023 | tommy_magyar
Is there any outcome?
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 14 09:11:31 EDT 2003 | tangch
There is a reference manual called Advanced product Quality Planning(APQP)which were widely use in automotive industry or QS certification company.Inside there has plenty of checklists which may be relevent to you.
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 14 05:45:16 EDT 2023 | dimamalin
First, this is the result of bad printer setup. Adjust knife pressure, PCB gap, separation speed, tooling, and stencil cleaning. Pay attention to the coating of contacts pad and height of solder mask of PCB.
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 14 13:08:00 EDT 2023 | dimamalin
Similar issues arose for me in cases where the contact pads of components were located below the solder mask level. Ordering a thinner stencil might potentially solve the problem.
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 14 13:21:48 EDT 2023 | calebcsmt
the implication being the soldermask is too thick, raising the top of the board higher than the pads themselves (eliminating gasketing)? Essentially, the board isn't perfectly planar would be the subject of cause it sounds like?
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 14 13:51:37 EDT 2023 | calebcsmt
I'm actually currently in the process of discussing with stencil MFG regarding the apertures and reduction to see if perhaps it was not optimal for this fine pitch QFN, as just as you mentioned, we have similar products with similar QFNs that do not
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 14 14:17:19 EDT 2023 | emeto
Now you have to find the root cause, before you continue. Is it PCB design or printer setup? Or both contribute?
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 23 17:22:39 EDT 2023 | markhoch
I'm curious what you use for PCB Support. Are you using a dedicated support plate or are you using magnetic pins or some type of Grid-Lock system?
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 23 17:43:42 EDT 2023 | calebcsmt
Support bars, so essentially the board is sitting ontop of beams that make a table. Fully supported with no soft spots
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 14 12:06:18 EDT 2023 | calebcsmt
Please elaborate, as I have already tried to rule out printer setup. 0 contact of course, ive tried a multitude of pressures, separation speeds, cleaning frequency. Moreover, i use these settings for similar stencils and have absolutely no issue