Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 01 13:07:27 EDT 2000 | Scott K
Our Distributor in Brazil, KTI, suggested the following CM which is smaller in size. SERDIA ELETRONICA LTDA Phone 55 41 333 4655 Fax 55 41 333 4912 Contact : Roberto Tamlyn de Mendon�a comercial@serdia.com.br Good luck, Scott K
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 08 09:17:52 EST 1999 | Susan Richardson
> >Susan Richardson >Ste 404 >333 Washington Ave, N >Mpls, Mn 55401
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 14 06:30:53 EST 2000 | colin marshall
I am at the early stages of investigating how we could track our m/c feeders. Obviously the theory of this is quite simple but I am finding a lack of information on the net. Could anyone suggest a method or software package for this purpose.Any info
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 15 06:19:00 EST 2000 | Mattias
Hi First of all what m/c type do You have? What type of tracking are You looking for. Best regards Mattias
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 21 08:19:15 EDT 2005 | Jim
We are experinecing adhesives left on the boards after running taped boards for placement verification on NPI. We've been using 3M double sided (333) tape for over 15 years. Any other suggestions on a good tape to use? This may be a quality issue
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 13 12:32:43 EDT 2009 | davef
2.6.3 Test Pad Location Tolerances, third bullet. Why does Entek require different test point spacing than other surface finishes? Page 55, top image is off the page, partially. 2.3.6 Depanelization of Arrays, 10th bullet [Breakaway Scoring] refers
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 13 16:43:28 EDT 2024 | rwyman
Hi Armando- You don't need a "Humidity-controlled oven" to achieve <5%RH in your baking process. I have (3) Grieve 333 ovens that are used for various bakeout/drying processes. All get their make-up air out of the room they sit in. I ca
Electronics Forum | Fri May 11 07:37:22 EDT 2007 | davef
IPC-A-610D 3 Handling Electronic Assemblies 3-1 3.1 EOS/ESD Prevention 3-2 3.1.1 Electrical Overstress (EOS) 3-3 3.1.2 Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) 3-4 3.1.3 Warning Labels 3-5 3.1.4 Protective Materials 3-6 3.2 EOS/ESD Safe Workstation/EPA 3-7 3.3
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 03 21:25:33 EDT 1998 | John Allan
| Hello: | BACKGROUD: SMT components soldered on the top-side of boards that also require wave soldering have the potential to reflow during wave soldering. Reflowing these components during wave soldering is not good. It can cause cold joints, op
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 04 08:32:21 EDT 1998 | Dave F
| | Hello: | | BACKGROUD: SMT components soldered on the top-side of boards that also require wave soldering have the potential to reflow during wave soldering. Reflowing these components during wave soldering is not good. It can cause cold joints