Electronics Forum: 7mil screen (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Defects Definition

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 08 03:14:37 EST 2000 | Roni H.

Hi Jose, J-lead are very sesitive to coplanarity, which is the major cause for the defect you described. Other posibility is that there is not enough solder paste ; J-lead need around 10% more solder past then L-lead, You have to consider the screen

stepped stencils

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 24 13:39:35 EST 2006 | Chunks

I agree with Jerry. A 7 mil stencil should work just fine for 25 mil pitch parts and 0.050 pitch BGA's. I too go 6 mil, but whith proper screen printing, you can 7 mil. You can always do 5 ot 10% reductions if needed. Use the homeplate design on

Micro solder balling

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 26 08:59:56 EDT 2000 | Antonio A. Medina

Ok guys, I need help. Here's the deal. We're getting micro solder balls under discreets on the bottomside of the board. Here's my set up... MPM screener w/vacuum plate 6 mil metal screen with 90% circular (rounded) apertures 7 mil (measured) past

Re: Paste Question!

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 06 01:55:01 EST 2000 | Roni Haviv

From my experience: It's depends on your messurment tools and the component: - Average high (at least 3 messurment points) should be 6 mils max. (you'll always get pick points of 4-7 mils!). - It depends on component tech./pitch: in pitches great

How to define solder paste printing height tolerance

Electronics Forum | Mon May 07 10:42:09 EDT 2012 | saju86ece

Hi, I need one clarification about solder paste printing height tolerance. How to define and fix the solder paste height tolerance after screen printing for inspection purpose. Currently we are using 5mils thickness of stencil, in that we are gave

Re: Screen printing the board from........

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 05 07:49:00 EST 1998 | Steve Gregory

Hi Ron, Your question really opens up a "Pandora's box", but when you say you're not able to print perfectly, what is it exactly that you mean? Is the print lacking volume? Is it mis-registered? Are you bridging? Also, what printers have you used? Do

Re: Screen printing the board from........

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 05 23:52:26 EST 1998 | Ron Costa

| Hi Ron, | Your question really opens up a "Pandora's box", but when you say you're not able to print perfectly, what is it exactly that you mean? Is the print lacking volume? Is it mis-registered? Are you bridging? Also, what printers have you used


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