Electronics Forum: aba (Page 1 of 1)

Mount Program Specs

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 07 12:39:40 EDT 2011 | toguro

Hi, I am looking for specs/user manuals on the mount programs of the Panasonic MVII and JUKI FX1/JUKI FM-740 machines. Something similar to this document about the Assembleon FCM would be sweet... Do you kn

Remove,Re-ball then Re-use BGA safely !!!

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 02 09:29:08 EDT 2002 | dason_c

Ian, First, I baked the parts at 125C for 48 hours and check the weight Second, I soaked the parts above 30C and 60% for 96 hours and check the weight Calculate the weight gain, suppose only moisture add to the parts during soaking, say a Third, dry

Gold finger burnishing

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 05 13:50:17 EDT 2021 | ppcbs

Try Sandflex Blocks for polishing. These will polish but not scratch the gold. See: https://www.amazon.com/Sandflex-Sanding-Block-3-Pack/dp/B000GACU1Q/ref=pd_bxgy_img_3/143-4402992-3496538?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B000GACU1Q&pd_rd_r=7be0b73a-dd71-4bc


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