Electronics Forum: adam (Page 1 of 13)

Silver Emerge

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 14 08:49:36 EDT 2001 | adam

I'd like to know what advantages are there to use silver emerge PCB's. Currently we are using HASL boards, and we are having problems especially using BGA connectors. Any help will be appreciated. Adam.


Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 07 08:09:19 EST 2000 | adam

WE are using press fit connnectors on a range of boards, one of which is posing me a few process questions . The Machine is a fully automatic machine. The problem is intermittent and I can't seem to put a finger on it. An array of connectors ( consi

Silver Emerge

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 14 09:09:57 EDT 2001 | adam

Sorry, wrong technical word I meant immersion silver (Ag). Thanks.

Silver Emerge

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 15 09:16:46 EDT 2001 | adam

Thanks Dave. About your second comment, the issue is placing BGA connectors mirror image (male, and female), the connector sometimes shifts during placement before reflow. we are using a six mil stencil for both sides with minimum paste deposit. a

Component non wetting

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 21 21:50:28 EDT 2004 | adam

Hi I recently having problems on the components having non wetting on the flex circuits. The profile that I am using is according to the solder paste suppiler recommended. Can anyone pls. advise? Regards

Component non wetting

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 22 21:34:58 EDT 2004 | adam

Thanks guys. I am from a subcon, we can't change the solder paste supplier and there is only one approved vendor for this component. I think I will try on the component solderability. Regards

Embedded Capacitance

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 03 02:10:30 EDT 2009 | Adam

Thanks Dave Adam

Solution Testing

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 29 04:08:35 EST 2003 | ADAM

Thanks for the help and the advice guys. Adam

Conformal Coating

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 13 03:24:35 EST 2003 | ADAM

Thanks for the info guys. Adam

Wavesoldering Defect

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 16 02:30:34 EDT 2004 | Adam

No blow-holes, only minimum solder fillets. Adam

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