Electronics Forum: adder (Page 1 of 1)

X-Outs and Panel Arrays

Electronics Forum | Wed May 14 15:15:03 EDT 2008 | boardhouse

Hi Scott, I have worked for a State side PCB Manufacture and now a Taiwan Manufacture. At both shops the up charge was based on how many up the pallet array was plus layer count and complexity of product, charges ranged from free to 15%. Standa

Tenting via(s) under BGA & CSP?

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 22 15:05:47 EDT 2002 | tim_easterling

Depending on the volume of boards you are manufacturing, the most cost effective solution would be to epoxy plug the vias prior to LPI soldermask application. The technique is common practice and most suppliers can provide it will little or no cost a

Re: BGA, uBGA and FP BGA

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 24 12:53:55 EST 1999 | Dave F

| Are the terms "uBGA" and "Fine Pitch BGA" synonomous, different all-together, or is Fine Pitch BGA a subset of uBGA? Thanks. | | Steve | Steve: �BGA�: Micro BGA�. A brand name for a fine pitch BGA from Tessera. Fine Pitch (1) In SMD: Surfa

PCB Supports

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 10 16:21:43 EDT 2004 | Charlie

Guy,s I do not have Red-e-set, but Grid-lok offers a fully automatic system that easily installs onto the printers and P&P. It can be set to your board instantly by pressing one button or triggered by the printer to set for each consecutive PCB. They

Nano ProTek Coating

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 08 12:45:10 EDT 2011 | markhoch

It's a $40 adder to my stencils if I have them apply it. But I've just discovered that if you have THEM add it, they add it thru a stencil and only apply it to the appertures. (My guess is they do this because it allows them to use much less material


Electronics Forum | Thu May 06 08:48:10 EDT 2004 | johnnie8

We have bought and are in the process of installing Impells for fume extraction on our wave, wash, and reflow oven in the plant. We have two units bought second hand that will be used on the wave and oven, and are still looking for a model 8240 for t

SMT Machine preference

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 03 12:44:46 EDT 2016 | cyber_wolf

"and most importantly inexpensive" Define inexpensive... I always get fired up about "expensive" Expensive compared to what is my question ? A car? a house? If you want what you are speaking of, you will be spending some coin. If you want, semi r

Lead free in hirel

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 25 13:42:35 EST 2010 | patrickbruneel

This is a post from another forum as a response from Bob Landman to a claim that he had no evidence to be concerned about lead-free in hirel applications (interesting read). See below and am sure many technetters will find this interesting **********


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