Electronics Forum: adding (Page 1 of 125)

We are considering adding image, etc.

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 16 10:11:00 EDT 1998 | Cunli Jia, SMTnet

Brian, Wayne, and All, Thank you for the suggestion. We did consider including the image but did not do so for several reasons, one of which was the time required to make it convenient and easy to use. We will definitely consider adding this when

Dek horizon 03 adding 2d vision?

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 07 20:03:02 EST 2017 | proy

Looking to find out I can add 2D vision to this 2010 horizon printer......

Dek horizon 03 adding 2d vision?

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 07 09:23:20 EST 2017 | buckcho

You can. It is an option from Dek and you can buy it. It is not as good as SPI, but if you don't want to check all pads it is okay.

Dek horizon 03 adding 2d vision?

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 07 10:08:02 EST 2017 | markhoch

In most instances, it is cycle time prohibitive to use it to check the entire PCB. But you can use it to check critical areas. You can also set it up to check every 2nd, 3rd, 5th panel. (etc)

Dek horizon 03 adding 2d vision?

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 11 06:37:48 EDT 2017 | proy

I have yet to find anyone at DEK to talk to and purchase. I will use it on corners , edges and critical parts only . This is a simple matter of user feedback when the past roll is getting too small.

Dek horizon 03 adding 2d vision?

Electronics Forum | Wed May 31 07:59:47 EDT 2017 | buckcho

Or if you have 2010 Dek, you can get the paste height monitoring system, which is pretty cool. I used it and for Lead free paste is great. Combined with the dispensing system I made my operators very lazy :)

Dek horizon 03 adding 2d vision?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 08 16:42:38 EDT 2017 | sumote

Looking to find out I can add 2D vision to this > 2010 horizon printer...... For all things DEK, John Spangler is your guy. http://www.dekhead.com/

Dek horizon 03 adding 2d vision?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 13 14:16:54 EDT 2017 | dekhead

Thanks, I try. But enable codes on Micron class not something I can accomplish. DEKHEAD

High tin content @ Wavesolder

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 27 14:06:21 EST 2001 | kmorris

Oops......I said adding tin to adjust back to 63%....I meant adding lead.

Amtech LF/4300

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 11 18:51:54 EST 2006 | MFG CAVEMAN

I saw an ad for this stuff and it sounded too good to be true. Also wondering who has looked beyond the ad.

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