Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 01 11:02:51 EST 2008 | flipit
You could also try Wenesco and Air Vac. I have experience on the Air Vac PCBRM10 and PCBRM12. They work great. You have to make sure your nozzle or flow well is designed correctly. For 50 mil pitch and greater, they work well. If you have to rem
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 20 15:11:26 EST 2000 | Russ
I tested out the OK unit and found it to be a "down and dirty" rework machine that will do BGAs if demeanding thermal requirements are not needed. My largest concern was the lack of bottom side preheat. I have recently purchased the Air-Vac DRS24 a
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 23 07:15:44 EDT 2004 | pjc
Best systems come from the following: SRT http://www.vjelectronix.com/vjebeta/products.asp?title=Rework%20Solutions AirVac http://www.air-vac-eng.com/ Metcal http://www.metcal.com/ ERSA http://www.ersa.de/en/
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 06 13:41:29 EDT 2004 | mdang
I am looking to buy an used Air-Vac DRS 24. Does anyone has experience with it? What do I need to look for and what different between the 24 and 24C? Thanks for your help. -Michael
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 06 17:18:25 EST 2007 | GS
Ask Air Vac (US) or Zevac for EU and ASIA. They have now a DRS-24 upgrading Kit for Leed-Free, main change is in the bottom heater. Air Vac- Zevac, made the ONIX series, the follow on of DRS models. Regards.....GS
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 29 23:18:37 EDT 2008 | rfematt
Hope some one can email me the user manual for an Air-Vac PCBRM-12 (rfematt@hotmail.com). Already asked the manufacturer, still waiting for an answer. Thanks, Rafael.
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 01 19:04:56 EDT 2020 | tima
Does any one have Air Vac Onyx32 with DL Dispenser? I need to get a screen shot with motor setting (will guide you where to get this). Can pay for screenshot. Can not find anywhere... Please help
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 28 12:56:59 EST 2000 | Russ
Engineer, I have had great success with the Air-Vac DRS24 equipment. Russ
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 28 12:56:59 EST 2000 | Russ
Engineer, I have had great success with the Air-Vac DRS24 equipment. Russ
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 17 13:25:36 EDT 2002 | clarkk
Perhaps a rework fountain such as an Air-Vac might work with a carefully selected shroud.