Electronics Forum | Fri May 15 00:44:08 EDT 2015 | aapsmt
i have just had to do the same. motherboard became flakey so we have to find the software. another pcb manufacturing company i know has done this before i believe. i will try get the software off them and will make a link to a place where you all can
Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 30 11:34:23 EDT 2016 | huanyupcb
High Mix,Low Volume,Short Delivery PCB Supplier. 1.The world top 500 PCB supplier.( Samsung DELL Alcatel-Lucent Huawei Lenovo FOXCONN ASUS etc ) 2.Over 15+ Years of PCB Expertise. 3.Provided "PCB & Assembly One-stop shop"service,No MOQ. 4.ISO9001 I
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 10 10:34:06 EDT 2014 | sarason
I presume you mean "as the feeders" Anyway my program PCBSynergy does this function . It is shareware at https://pcbsynergy.com just read in your Altium PCB file or CSV from another CAD package select manufacturer Samsung, Model Samsung SM421 on t
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 11 18:06:10 EDT 2014 | sarason
Lenny send me some .opt and .pcb files with the original Altium or CSV file and your generated SSA file and I will reverse it out for you. It should take me only a little time. My email is on my webpage http://members.iinet.net.au/~sarason/ saraso
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 13 04:16:55 EST 2016 | crystalpcb
Hi Brother, My Boy Friend is a engineer designer,he often use pads and Altium_Designer.
Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 30 06:02:50 EDT 2022 | sarason
My program PCBSynergy does a conversion between Altium and Juki 700 series , 2000 series and even FX1R, Also yamaha VIOS. It can be found at https://pcbsynergy.com Also lots of other stuff in there for making this job easy sarason
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 25 17:57:48 EDT 2022 | glasscake
Assembleon (Yamaha Re-branded) machines have treated me well as I have 13 machines running any given day. Manuals are readily available in English but are more clear if you can read the original Japanese or Chinese versions. The biggest issue you
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 10 19:12:10 EST 2015 | billthebuilder
I am trying to make a PCB populated with complex components such as LGA, WLBGA, LGFP, LFCSP, VFBGA, QFN, FBGA, PBGA so that we can test out some PnP machines. I have found parts on digikey for each of the packages we want to test but trying to make
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 26 17:16:24 EST 2010 | jlawson
If you have trouble also you can check out Valors vPlan, i have it running Yamaha YV100Xxg machines - they support Assembleon versions too. Can generate VIOS files from ALtium Input - either CAD DB files or ODB++ as Altium Designer supports this now.
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 02 07:00:22 EDT 2016 | technotronix
I would recommend Diptrace, Eagle and Altium Designer. Choose one of them or try three of them, according to your specific requirement.
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