Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 23 19:50:28 EST 2020 | ttheis
Thanks; I have a spare power supply coming as well. I will start by swapping dc-dc converters first and if the problem persists swap the pdp power supply. I'll report back what I find.
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 30 10:51:43 EDT 2019 | ttheis
Yes, if I figure it out I will report back.
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 23 12:53:59 EST 2020 | ttheis
Thanks for the detailed information. I have a spare dc/dc converter on order to try swapping them. Another note is all dc power is cut out by the pdp.ps1, not just 12vdc. 24vac power remains.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 29 18:47:35 EST 2021 | ilavu
The error in the attached picture(FCFF1043) is for 16 I/O card located in CIO slot one for board transfer. May be thats when your PDP supply drop voltage. If problem comes back, look at that card and/or connection and/or cable.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 29 22:26:09 EST 2021 | ttheis
Thanks for the heads up. I suspect it is due to power dropping out to the IO chassis and other devices connected to the pdp. This is the first logicomm capture I have for it so I don't have other messages to compare it to. Machine has been running al
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 26 02:41:10 EST 2021 | ttheis
We have been running the machine for about a month after replacing the pdp power supply. We have not had a repeat of the problems since. I believe we can consider this issue resolved. Failing pdp supply was a known issue in the uic kb.
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 30 10:15:39 EDT 2019 | dilogic
Please report here if (and how) you manage to solve the problem - it might be helpful for all of us in the future!
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 18 13:32:34 EDT 2021 | korrapat905
Yes, now my machine already back normal production. Thanks, KP
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 10 11:21:59 EDT 2023 | proceng1
These came in, and they obviously work fine through the oven. They do however soak up a lot of heat, so they are not ideal.
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 10 16:09:50 EDT 2023 | chicagoindustrial
+1 Durostone