Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 03 12:48:23 EST 2020 | cyber_wolf
Besides correct stencil design, solder paste chemistry can have a profound effect on voiding. People will tell you reflow profiles. I have never in my career seen a reflow profile have any effect on voiding unless it is grossly off.
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 23 08:07:44 EDT 2012 | kkay
I have attached a PDF overview of some test we have done and the results. (fixed oven profile)
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 14 13:28:44 EST 2020 | cyber_wolf
Your profile looks textbook.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 17 02:49:11 EST 2020 | jakapratama
Yeah, that's a nearly uniformed ramp up profile, I can't see anything's wrong with that.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 03 02:03:58 EST 2020 | sssamw
What's your target for voiding? I cannot see it violate 25% of solder joint area. Process setting and PCB design can impact the voiding, many factors, such as PCB pad, stencil aperture and thickness, re-flow profile, solder paste, etc.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 14 12:20:33 EST 2020 | cyber_wolf
If you are using standard alloy and flux types and you are within the ballpark of 30-90 seconds above liquidous you should be fine. As I said above unless your profile is grossly off, it is not the cause of your voids.
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 25 13:39:29 EDT 2012 | cyber_wolf
Wait a minute...Your peak temps are PbFree like. Why is your profiler looking at time above 183 ? What is the time above 217 ? I thought we were looking at time above 217 not 183.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 02 10:30:42 EST 2020 | emeto
thank you Steve, when you mention Stencil design, what do you refer to? How about the Reflow profile? Any specifics that I should look for. Everything is in my process window, but some detail towards this package might be very helpful.
Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 11 08:57:26 EST 2020 | jakapratama
Hi Evtimov, Could you share your current reflow profile setting, and also your part technical datasheet on its heat tolerance? It might as well help other engineers to review and give their opinions.