Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 26 23:20:23 EDT 1999 | D. Clement
Has anyone used the APE SNIPER rework station for BGA packages?
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 15 14:32:19 EDT 2001 | flipchip
Chris, Please check out our web site. http://www.ape.com We manufacture a complete line of rework equipment. I would be happy to send someone over to give you an in house demo. Casey Scheu A.P.E. South www.ape.com 305-451-4722
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 16 13:49:10 EDT 2004 | Paul
You are welcome. I typically just read here and try not to post, but the other post was unfairly negative and seemed to be biased to a single supplier...which I always find suspect. Here are the links to APE and ZEPHYRTRONICS which I hope you find h
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 09 16:21:17 EST 2000 | Mario
Looking to buy a flow master SMD5000 APE used. Does anyone have one for sale? Mario
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 27 14:55:37 EDT 1999 | Tony
| Has anyone used the APE SNIPER rework station for BGA packages? | I have not used it, but I have used the SRT and Conceptronics Freedom 2000 rework stations. Both are really good BGA rework stations.. Thanks
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 09 15:21:02 EST 2005 | russ
Forgot to mention that I did search moonmandarkside.com to no avail. what is up with that?
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 16 15:49:08 EST 2008 | shrek
Anybody like those APE systems?
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 21 19:10:29 EST 2008 | hegemon
The APE machines are still OK in their place. We still have two APE machines that are over 8 years old and still are good for some processes, but have been consigned to the leaded solder rework area. We have upgraded to AirVac since the advent of le
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 21 15:04:25 EDT 2009 | ldavis
For your application I would recommend the APE system. It's not as complicated and the accessories are less expensive.
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 15 08:55:00 EST 2000 | Casey Scheu
You really sould get rid of the dehart unit. I'm sure your aware of its limitations at this point. Plus, as your finding out service my be an issue. APE will give you a trade in credit on the old unit to apply to the purchases of a new APE system.