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Electronics Forum | Sat May 07 11:42:10 EDT 2005 | mrmaint

Have alot of exp. on both mydata and philips/assembleon. My preference would be the assembleon. Maintenance is light and they run forever. New software on assembleon is excellant. Customer support is one of the best i have delt with. mrmaint

Assembleon maitenance and repairs

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 14 14:45:23 EDT 2015 | avg1

I am looking for a company that does repair and maintenance on Assembleon pick and place machines. We have 3 Assembleon Topaz-X machines that need to be calibrated and head repaired. I received a quote from Assembleon which was outrageous. Any inf

Rating SMT Machines

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 21 07:06:43 EDT 2002 | Pieter Hoeben

And how about Assembleon machines? http://www.assembleon.com

Valor and Assembleon

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 18 05:40:18 EST 2004 | JB

Has someone some experience whit the combination of Valor and Assembleon machines (Topaz and Emerald).

Need CSM Toolbox

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 28 22:39:04 EDT 2004 | davef

What do the folk at Assembleon [ http://www.assembleon.com ] Philips say about your CSM Toolbox?

Assembleon CL feeders

Electronics Forum | Thu May 09 06:17:47 EDT 2013 | hedvig

Looking for a good selection of Assembleon CL type feeders need all common sizes.

Philips Assembleon Training

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 03 11:59:03 EST 2017 | lleonard

Does anyone know of any classes or training courses in the US for Assembleon Pick and Place machine?

Assembleon offline software

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 11 12:57:47 EST 2020 | dharmesh294

How to get Quote? from the new owners of assembleon. Possible to share contact details email address..

Yamaha YS24 and YS12

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 01 13:46:11 EDT 2014 | max83

Yes, MC-24 and YS-24 are same platform, because Assembleone was selling Yamaha`s machines under name Assembleone till 2012 in the EU, Assembleone was distributor Yamaha in the Europe. Now Assembleon and Yamaha different machines. YS machines not so

FCM I - II Software

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 24 05:39:15 EDT 2004 | vinitverma

Hi, Try Technomatix. That is the one used by Assembleon itself for the FCMs. You can buy the license from them for Assembleon FCMs as well as FUJI machines. The Assembleon PPS designed around Technomatix, gives a very very accurate cycle time calcu

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