Electronics Forum: assembleon emerald with lcs (Page 1 of 1)

EMERALD X with LCS - PCB output problem

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 15 14:29:58 EDT 2018 | compit

I have an Emerald X machine (by Assembleon) with an LCS. I start production. The first PCB board runs to the end of the LCS (item 1). Each subsequent stop is BEFORE LCS (item 2) - I have to remove it manually. And so until the production reset - then

EMERALD X with LCS - PCB output problem

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 20 15:48:14 EST 2018 | compit


EMERALD X with LCS - PCB output problem

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 04 17:53:58 EST 2019 | arbpkevin

My topaz X does the same thing. Hope someone can explain this. I have to toggle the button every single time after the first board.

Samsung SM320 VS Assembleon 8 head Opal XII

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 08 09:19:53 EDT 2006 | Larry

Samsung vs. Assembleon We currently have both Samsung/Dynatech and Assembleon Equipment. We started with two Samsung machines but the support, flexibility, component range, accuracy and speed of their machines just wasn�t there. The difference betw

New SMT line - Need equipment selection help

Electronics Forum | Fri May 27 14:15:21 EDT 2005 | ve7khz

Hi Folks, Starting a second SMT line this year and it's been (too) long since I have looked at newish machines and I am in need of some assistance with P&P machine selection. Here is what we currently have: Panasonic CM-202 chip shooter 216 8mm reel


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