Electronics Forum: assembling (Page 1 of 600)

Board assembling

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 28 15:59:43 EDT 2000 | Tom Humphrey

Can any one give me a list or recommendations of board assembler / manufacturers (Southeast U.S. prefered) who could handle assembly of 2 inch x2 inch PWB with 100+ surface mount components. No testing required. I would appreciate any help or recomen

SMD drop during assembling

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 10 09:42:45 EDT 2020 | kasun_elk

We have big issue in SMD drop during assembling and detection of this kind of foreign materials on the PCBAs.

Re: Board assembling

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 28 19:07:12 EDT 2000 | C.Y. Ong

Does your assembler have to be located in the South-east? We are located in Northern California and offer assembly services with high turn times. Please contact: C.Y. Ong O-Tech 415-642-1939 otech@flash.net

SMD drop during assembling

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 10 11:51:56 EDT 2020 | spoiltforchoice

Where in the process? Pick and place should know when it drops something and stop. If during reflow you need to work out why something is dropping/being blown off and solve that issue. And the only reliable way of catching that is going to be AOI.

SMD drop during assembling

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 11 07:49:42 EDT 2020 | kasun_elk

During the movement of the placemat head, components drop on the PCB. Sometimes machine doesn't give error massage for drop component. How to manage additional components detection in 2D AOI?

Wave soldering after SMD assembling

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 05 20:35:44 EST 2005 | KEN

Typical is 4 to 6 degrees inclination.

Wave soldering after SMD assembling

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 06 20:52:34 EST 2005 | milroyperera

Hi Ken What exactly the best reffered angle for Sn/Pb & Pb-free soldering? Is there a site where I can read the basic engineering concepts about this topic?

Wave soldering after SMD assembling

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 07 04:43:02 EST 2005 | lupo

About the anlge typically is 5-7 depending on the machine. If solder smt components, the best is to use (swich on) double wave machine - (swich on both) chip and laminar wave. Regards.

Wave soldering after SMD assembling

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 16 06:50:59 EST 2005 | milroyperera

Hi, I`m thinking what would be the best way to avoid icicles on lead free solder!

Wave soldering after SMD assembling

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 05 07:33:14 EST 2005 | milroyperera

Hi, I see that the wave angle of the wave solder machine takes a major part on soldering SMDs if they are assemlbed with glue. To avoid the shadowing effect and bridging what would be the best angel of the wave for Sn/Pb & Pb-free soldering processs

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