Electronics Forum: bga and rework and stetion (Page 1 of 5)

BGA rework and reliability

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 22 11:11:58 EDT 1998 | Hon

Dear all, What are your views on reworking BGA's? I mean, with the BGA going through reflow temperatures four times or more, and with a manual reballing process, wouldn't it raise up a few reliability issues? Would you consider not doing rework on

BGA rework and inspection

Electronics Forum | Tue May 28 13:46:27 EDT 2002 | Yannick

Hi, I know that this topic have been discuss before but I would like to know what kind of equipement do you use to check your BGA and to rework it? What should I look for before buying something. Some people said that is not a good thing to

BGA rework and inspection

Electronics Forum | Thu May 30 10:31:03 EDT 2002 | robbied

Hi Yannick. This is an issue that we are just recently getting into but here is some ifo that I have gathered so far. I have seen/ used 2 different rework machines. The one we have bought is a 'PACE TF2000' which was at the lower cost end of the mar

Re: BGA rework and reliability

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 30 15:09:44 EST 1998 | ChungPark

| Dear all, | | What are your views on reworking BGA's? I mean, with the BGA going through reflow temperatures four times or more, and with a manual reballing process, wouldn't it raise up a few reliability issues? Would you consider not doing rew

uBGA rework and X-Ray inspection

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 13 18:28:01 EDT 2000 | Michael Parker

Hello - I am currently evaluating uBGA rework and X-Ray inspection solutions. I would like any advice/warnings etc. regarding suppliers and equipment. I have already researched through the threads in this forum and have created a list of recommended

Re: BGA rework station and x-ray inspector

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 22 12:34:43 EDT 1998 | Frank Silva

| | We need BGA rework station and x-ray inspector recently in urget case, Do you have any information to rework FPGA package and inspect them during processing. | Thx for any information | Best Regards, | Stoney Tsai Stoney, Check out Nicolet Imagi

BGA rework station and x-ray inspector

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 20 23:09:27 EDT 1998 | Stoney Tsai

We need BGA rework station and x-ray inspector recently in urget case, Do you have any information to rework FPGA package and inspect them during processing. Thx for any information Best Regards, Stoney Tsai

Re: BGA rework station and x-ray inspector

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 15 07:52:48 EDT 1998 | Clyde F.

| | We need BGA rework station and x-ray inspector recently in urget case, Do you have any information to rework FPGA package and inspect them during processing. | Thx for any information | Best Regards, | Stoney Tsai

Re: uBGA rework and X-Ray inspection

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 16 14:37:25 EDT 2000 | Roberto Navarro

Hi, I work for Nortel and here rework BGA'S we use DRS22 rework station and CRT 2000 X-ray inspection. The main problem is put again the BGA on the PCB because you need reboling the PCB and you could damage the soldermask. Talking about Air-vac is ve

Re: BGA rework station and x-ray inspector

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 11 12:15:34 EDT 1998 | X-man

| | We need BGA rework station and x-ray inspector recently in urget case, Do you have any information to rework FPGA package and inspect them during processing. | Thx for any information | Best Regards, | Stoney Tsai Stoney, Probably the best rewor

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