Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 14 13:28:47 EST 1998 | ASHOK DHAWAN
I am beginer in BGA assembly and am confused in selection of pick and place option. As per book on 'implementation of BGA Technology-by 1995 aeic inc. states that BGAs reflow is quite forgiving and you need only Mechanical centering of PBGAs. The IPC
Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 15 18:07:18 EST 1998 | Scott McKee
| I am beginer in BGA assembly and am confused in selection of pick and place option. As per book on 'implementation of BGA Technology-by 1995 aeic inc. states that BGAs reflow is quite forgiving and you need only Mechanical centering of PBGAs. The I
Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 14 13:33:10 EST 1998 | ashok dhawan
| I am beginner in BGA assembly and am confused in selection of centering method on pick and place operation.. As per book on 'implementation of BGA Technology-by 1995 aeic inc. states that BGAs reflow is quite forgiving and you can use Mechanical c
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 07 22:15:26 EDT 1999 | NAZEEH CHAUDRY
| | | I have a zevatech 570 and 560 my boss want to place bga.s with these machines, Ive told him he needs to ugrade to newer machines. Zevatech say "no problem our machine are number 1". | | | these machines dont even offer bga selections. These mac
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 09 22:06:24 EST 2004 | Ken
Two words that will send shivers down any self-respecting rework professionals spine: HEAT GUN Not affiliated with black and decker or vidal sasoon hair dryers.
Electronics Forum | Tue May 22 17:21:43 EDT 2001 | davef
BGA require placement accuracy of only 0.3mm (�12 thou), compared with a required placement accuracy of 0.08mm (�3 thou) for fine pitch devices. Even with this level of misalignment, plastic BGA self-center / self-correct during reflow due to symmetr
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 30 00:12:13 EST 2003 | Grant Petty
Hi, Another option we have used here in house is to remove the unwanted BGA balls with solder wick, and then to manually place them on the PCB foot print. This eliminates the pick and place machine's optical centering freaking out because the balls
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 10 09:19:15 EDT 2008 | lysik
As you know 90% of defects come from the printer. This product is well worth the investment. You will improve yeilds and reduce rework. Very important with micro BGA's. Also lead free components do not self center (during reflow) as well. There is ve
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 10 17:18:10 EDT 2010 | spitkis2
They may be misaligned so much so that self centering would not occur. How are you placing the micro BGA's? Depending on how the boards are transported onto the oven's conveyer, by the time they start to go through the oven, there could be additio
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 16 16:19:22 EST 2006 | davef
Dunno. 4% higher standoff results in 16% higher reliability [�The Effects of Solder Joint Voiding on Plastic Ball Grid Array Reliability� Banks, Donald R., et al.; Proceedings of the Technical Program - Surface Mount International; September 10-12,