Electronics Forum: bottom and side and oxication (Page 1 of 6)

Process ideas for adhesive on bottom side SMD's and wave solder

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 22 17:08:03 EST 2011 | mikenagle

I am looking for process suggestions. We want to use a pin transfer system to deposit adhesive to hold bottom side SMD's in place. We will place SMD's and through hole power parts on the top side and then run through a wave solder machine. Are ther

Process ideas for adhesive on bottom side SMD's and wave solder

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 23 07:30:44 EST 2011 | scottp

Are you stuck with pin transfer for some reason? Screen printing is more repeatable and easier to maintain.

Process ideas for adhesive on bottom side SMD's and wave solder

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 23 07:38:49 EST 2011 | davef

We agree with the points made by ScottE above. Additionally, most printers are not heavily loaded. So, you wouldn't have to buy another machine, give-up floor space, purchase and store peculiar tooling, etc. We think Darby does pin transfer. Maybe h

Process ideas for adhesive on bottom side SMD's and wave solder

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 23 09:38:52 EST 2011 | blnorman

More agreement with screen print adhesives. Back in a former life time we did do pin transfer on one of our product lines. If you had to go with pins, make sure your adhesive rheology is suited for it. Different adhesives are designed for specific

Bottom side smt and thru hole

Electronics Forum | Tue May 26 22:13:15 EDT 1998 | Pat Copeland

R&D is currently designing a board with smt components on both sides of the board. They are adding a 16 pin IC Gull wing. on the bottom side of the board. I have asked for only caps and resistors to be placed on the bottom side. Is there a recommende

Re: Bottom side smt and thru hole

Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 07 09:43:11 EDT 1998 | Bob Willis

There are some guidlines on design and through hole reflow on my web site to download. Also on pin in hole reflow the SMTA Office has a document on using the tecnology. | R&D is currently designing a board with smt components on both sides of the bo

Re: Bottom side smt and thru hole

Electronics Forum | Wed May 27 13:42:08 EDT 1998 | Chrys

| R&D is currently designing a board with smt components on both sides of the board. They are adding a 16 pin IC Gull wing. on the bottom side of the board. I have asked for only caps and resistors to be placed on the bottom side. Is there a recommen

Re: Bottom side smt and thru hole

Electronics Forum | Wed May 27 14:35:52 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach

| | R&D is currently designing a board with smt components on both sides of the board. They are adding a 16 pin IC Gull wing. on the bottom side of the board. I have asked for only caps and resistors to be placed on the bottom side. Is there a recomm

Re: Bottom side smt and thru hole

Electronics Forum | Wed May 27 10:19:43 EDT 1998 | Jerry

We have no problems but orientation does matter. Orient with longest side of component body perpendicuar to wave. In other words the same preference as with through hole DIPS. Idea is the same as for through hole, that the surface tension will ten

QFN's and LGA's

Electronics Forum | Wed May 20 17:56:51 EDT 2009 | dyoungquist

I have attached a pdf showing the dimensions for the QFN we placed. First, The pins on the part are not only on the bottom side but also wrap around to come up each of the 4 sides of the part as shown in the side view in the attached pdf. This i

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