Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 28 09:36:22 EDT 2007 | gregcr
HI All, I have a Brady PAM Series 1 Label print and place machine that I would like to try and get running. The machine is in good condition except I don't have the software that runs the machine. Brady has been no help. Does anyone here run one
Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 17 09:12:51 EST 2004 | Tom B.
Look at Brady Labels http://www.bradyid.com/brady/htpdv1r0.nsf/ISDWebIndex/79CD8A7D08591909862569F40059FD70 Tom
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 08 23:01:12 EDT 2004 | Ken
Didn't they do this on an old episode of The Brady Bunch? Your wash will have severe foaming problems!!!!
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 17 22:56:41 EDT 2020 | kylehunter
Brady workstation is fairly cheap
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 29 15:02:33 EST 2006 | bman
We build quite a few cables ourselves, and we go through a lot of heat shrink labels. Unfortunately, we only use Brady heat shrink labels, so I don't know if I can help much. Are you actually running raw heat shrink through your printer? If so, go
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 03 11:00:08 EST 2007 | mIKE f
We use the Brady parts, from the PS-094 up thru the PS-500 size, on a Brady 300MVP printer. We also use that printer for marking Brady polyimide labels. The problem is when we try to print on the smaller markers the printing keeps wandering off the
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 23 19:18:14 EDT 2009 | Kou Vang
1. You can use this Brady label (p/n THT-21-426) with a laser printer. 2. You can use the Industrial Sharpie, or the label above.
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 01 15:45:11 EDT 2008 | jdengler
We use a Brady label PTL-13-457 out of a TLSPClink printer on a 63/37 PCB. This label is supposed to go to Pb free temp but we have not actually tested it yet. - Jerry
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 20 17:59:39 EDT 2011 | davef
inspection arrow Brady and Shercon are two brand names. People like Digi-Key and All-Spec sell them
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 21 11:30:56 EDT 2011 | remullis
Thanks I got some coming from BRADY. These will have to be removed. Anyone ever needing the part # its, BIA-RD 2.00 bucks a sheet.