Reflow Soldering Oven

Electronics Forum: btu (Page 1 of 41)

BTU oven in IDLE mode

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 29 11:51:55 EST 2004 | Claude_Couture

Hi all, Anyone familiar with BTU oven VIP-70. The control screen indicates that it is in IDLE mode. The recipe is running, but no heat is applied. The contactor for the heat is ON. All the electrical looks ok. I can't seem to be able to contact BTU,

BTU Paragon oven

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 05 17:40:28 EDT 2004 | grayman

BTU software is proprietary and does not intended for sharing. You have to buy it directly to BTU as it is individually configured to your machine.

BTU oven cooling fan

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 13 07:46:22 EDT 2005 | ajaydoshi

We have BTU oven150 paragon. Want to buy new cooling fan with mettal blade Part number is 5061761. Any supplier recommdation. Parts from BTU very expensive ajay

BTU oven cooling fan

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 03 15:40:39 EST 2006 | chrisgriffin

Hello, I am looking for replacement cooling fans for the BTU oven cooling zone. The oven is a P98 model. BTU is back ordered, and I can't wait. Does anyone have any extras to sell, or know of an alternate source? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Repair a BTU VIP70 or buy a new HELLER??

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 11 21:00:10 EST 2006 | Kris

BTU - "WTF" We don't like them at all. We have no problem to set the profiles, it is a matter of fact that they are just perfect for that. The boards are just perfectly soldered. But - the their support sucks Big time! Or the lack of support! We are

Oven for lead free...???

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 29 07:21:31 EDT 2004 | rlackey

We found BTU & Vitronics to be the best, The Vitronics looked a slightly better (and more expensive) machine, but on the other hand we've had completely trouble free operation from our old BTU's. Oh, and the fact that BTU are No.1 in the world, and

BTU oven info

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 24 13:48:33 EST 2006 | chris

Does any body know how to change the inner width limit on a P-98 BTU oven? The inner limit is 6 inches, but I need it to be about 1.5 inches. Do you have to have a factory service disk from BTU to gain access to the limit. If so, does anyone have

BTU VIP70 3 Phase supply

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 20 08:40:40 EDT 2006 | dallen

This is a long shot, but can anybody advise on the supplies for a BTU oven. It is currently in the UK and is supplied by a 415V 4 wire. That is 3 phases and a neutral. We need to ship it to our plant in Mexico where they have a 480V 3 wire supply.

BTU VIP70 3 Phase supply

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 22 03:24:20 EDT 2006 | slaine

Hi Im in the UK and have a BTU VIP70. BTU UK are normally quite helpfull, and will probably explain whats involved if you phone them ask for a guy called Tim Hogarth. My guess is it will need a new transformer and rectifier but im more electronics th

Repair a BTU VIP70 or buy a new HELLER??

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 06 11:26:09 EST 2006 | Rob

I''m sure I remember BTU telling me that the VIP series got the same contollers as the ancient TRS14's. Someone may want to verify this - but if correct you can pick up a TRS for beer money & rob the controller. A new 7 zone BTU Pyramax can be ha

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