Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 30 09:16:12 EDT 1998 | Clifford Peaslee
| | Just verifying that I can post to the main listing. | | | | Cliff | Wow this is nice, I think the new forum is so nice it calls for a cigar (not the presidential kind) and a round of applause (clap clap clap clap). | Mike | this is a test. I
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 05 18:30:32 EDT 2007 | gmoritz
insert the bug, ... let it rotate ... see how far off the bug's leads are from center, When the head rotates, it rotates about the center (long) lead of the bug. Therefore, the x/y position of that lead does not change as the head rotates. > ...
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 05 13:05:23 EST 2001 | bdoyle
Hi Charlie, It looks like its displaying your display name on the listing but your username when you post. You're the only person that sees that. We've logged the bug though and will address it in our next bug sweep though. Thanks! Brian
Electronics Forum | Thu May 17 22:57:43 EDT 2001 | davef
It is amusing. Tell us about the profile, how you shot the vid, was the component "bug up" or "bug down", causes of the bridging, etc
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 24 06:01:16 EDT 2002 | Kent
I'm currently dealing with an design of an end effector that need to pick n place a BGA dead bug package. The design is using peumatic system to do the task. Any advise or suggestion on this kind of design?
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 16 09:15:57 EDT 2018 | bukas
problem was solved by cleaning lid bolt connector on chassis... both lid bolt and chase clamps are controlled by SCB34 card, it seams that there is an issue with poor connection on lid bolt triggering this bug. I assume its bug because other card beh
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 28 15:07:20 EST 2005 | DannyJ
Do you need the 'bug' or the plate? The plate is what goes onto the table and the bug is what you put into the upper jaws... We use the 4500 and I may be able to help you out. If you only need the bug, the width is .300" and I can get a measuremen
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 19 13:21:42 EDT 2004 | gregp
Frank, Do a search on "dead bug" and you will get all the threads. Good Luck, Greg
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 11 09:21:57 EDT 2013 | ericrr
Hi All, sorry to bug you, the attached picture of a LED is driving me nuts,
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 16 10:14:04 EST 1999 | Clifford Peaslee
Hello All, We have passed the beta stage of SMTnet Registration. We thank all of you who have helped us isolate the bugs. We expect there to be the occasional problem, or bug, as with any software product, but they are most likely few and far betwee