Electronics Forum: calibrate (Page 1 of 133)

How do I calibrate a soldering iron/station?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 11 11:48:51 EDT 2008 | ehess

What is the process for calibrating a soldering iron and/or station? What tools are needed, and how do i go about it? Thanks

How do I calibrate a soldering iron/station?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 14 10:17:27 EDT 2008 | dwelch123

Ed,,You need a temp gauge to verify tip temp and if it's a digital control iron and it's off usually just junk it. If dial control you can loosen knob and adjust to reading.If you need to know type of gauge and manufacturer drop me a line

How do I calibrate a soldering iron/station?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 14 11:33:35 EDT 2008 | stepheniii

It depends on the type of iron. Some of ours have a little plug you pull out that exposes a pot that you tweak to make the temperature of the tip the same as the reading. Others can't be adjusted and the heating element must be replaced if they don't

Quad oven-Need "offset.exe" s/w to calibrate temperature offsets

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 06 14:29:14 EDT 2015 | cadco

Update 6 Oct 15: We have completely re-configured the oven PID boards such that everything is now visible on the oven by the s/w and all is now OK since the "Machine"card is now recognized. We have just one additional procedure to do and that is to

Is there anyone know how to calibrate the Universal GOLD feeders?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 05 04:29:27 EDT 2018 | sophyluo1985

Hello Everyone, Is there anyone know how to calibrate the Universal GOLD feeder? Thank you!

Is there anyone know how to calibrate the Universal GOLD feeders?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 09 05:31:38 EDT 2018 | sophyluo1985

Hello Everyone, Is there anyone know how to calibrate the Universal GOLD feeder? Thank you!

How do I calibrate the Position camera on the x wagon

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 14 13:20:13 EDT 2020 | tomdegas

I have a MY12 running TPS 2.8.1 and I need to know how to calibrate the X wagon Visin system. The machine is off in the Y direction after I removed and replaced the camera.

SMT ASM Siemens X Feeder Calibration

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 07 13:40:02 EDT 2020 | kierantennant

I have seen this calibration station. however do not understand how the next stage of calibration work. does the device calibrate the feeder itself or is it a manual process? IF so what is the process to get the feeder calibration correct?

SiPLace S-27 HM Calibration

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 00:25:32 EST 2018 | sabeti

Hi Everyone, We have a Siplace S-27 HM which we need to calibrate it. There seem to be several calibration tools to calibrate the table, gantries and the heads. Does anyone have any idea on what these calibration tools are and a user guide on how to

Juki / Zevatech 740 vision (VCS) offset calibration

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 28 06:45:31 EDT 2020 | aswa1111

Hey everyone, I hope all of you doing well this time of the year. We have an old Juki / Zevatech 740 pick and place machine and we got a problem with the vision alignment, every placement is off by 2mils. How can you run an offset calibration on t

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