Electronics Forum: camera and overheating (Page 1 of 12)

Top camera inspection and side camera

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 02 04:02:18 EDT 2010 | manju2cool

Hi, I think concept of inspection through AOI is changing. I am struck in confusion.Because some manufacturer say 3D inspection, with 1+4 cameras is ultimate solution. Orbotech also came with 13 cameras at once!Now some say, all these are eyewashing

Top camera inspection and side camera

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 02 14:11:21 EDT 2010 | bigdaddysoy9

Manjunath, I prefer orthogonal systems. In my experience they are actually better at detecting coplanarity and HIP defects than multi camera systems. They are obviously limited, in that they can not inspect a component under another component, b

Top camera inspection and side camera

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 02 10:26:13 EDT 2010 | fishingfool

Manjunath The top camera will be used for probably 90-95% of your inspection needs. However, without side cameras that 5-10% of uninspected parts can be a real pain to manually verify. What you need to figure out is what is your product to inspe

samsung cp40 help for problem with fiducial camera and fixing camera

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 29 10:27:01 EDT 2015 | risorse_new

Goodmornin I have a problem with the fixing and move cameras, i don't see the image of the cameras on the screen. On the monitor i see the cross and letter, but i can no see on the black box the camera images. I know the problem is on the ADDA Board.

samsung cp40 help for problem with fiducial camera and fixing camera

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 27 09:04:54 EDT 2015 | fcmtechnician

HI are the LED from Ilumination on?

samsung cp40 help for problem with fiducial camera and fixing camera

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 30 07:25:09 EDT 2015 | buckcho

Hello, I haven't worked with such machine, but do you have a led lighting, like in cp45, which is newer? Maybe there is something wrong with it and it is not lighting up?

Cyberoptics Flex ultra HR camera alignement and calibration

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 19 21:37:17 EDT 2021 | ouaret

dear all, update: we got that the calibration of SIM is the problem, the distance between SIMs need to be calibrated. can someone help us get the manual that describe on how to calibrate the SIMs? we have a problem with our cyberoptics AOI machine

Single-view camera in Topaz-X and connector type element

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 10 05:40:27 EST 2019 | compit

It turned out that only SF heads support "fine" mode, while FNC does not. Probably because above the FNC nozzle there is a "circle" rotating the nozzles, and in fine mode it can interfere with the reflection of the camera light - the element is lower

Single-view camera in Topaz-X and connector type element

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 23 13:01:11 EDT 2019 | compit

I have a single-view camera on a Topaz-X machine. When I define a connector type element - it displays messages like in attached files. If I change the type to IC - no problem. There is also no problem when "learning&quot

Single-view camera in Topaz-X and connector type element

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 09 20:11:43 EST 2019 | richardcargill

I suspect configuration too. From memory, only certain heads are assignable as 'Fine'. Changing this parameter in the component data to Standard or QFP will most likely cure this as any head will accept those two options

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