Electronics Forum: capacitors break off (Page 1 of 32)

Re: Broken capacitors

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 04 11:14:03 EST 2000 | JimH

All, For what it's worth the only time I have experienced this phenom was when board support pins were misplaced on our chip shooter and these components (previously placed) were resting on the pins and cracking when we populated the other side o

Ceramic capacitors cracking

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 05 05:29:33 EST 2003 | Rajinder Sharma

If you are facing problem of craked capacitor only after breaking of the panel into individual PCB's, this may be due to stress being generated on the capacitors terminals. The stress may be due excess pressure being applied on the panel for breaking

Ceramic capacitors cracking

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 24 19:16:38 EST 2003 | Neil

Brad, This is a common problem and may relate to the design of the board. In all cases when a device such as a capacitor is place near the edge of the board and the board must be de-panelled, the capacitor must be parallel to the break line. If the

Ceramic capacitors cracking

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 04 14:05:10 EST 2003 | bradlanger

I am haveing some trouble with ceramic capacitors breaking on a couple of boards I am running. The boards I have trouble with are in a 6 up and 12 up array and the caps are near the score lines where the individual boards are broken apart. Has anybod

Ceramic capacitors cracking

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 05 09:11:05 EST 2003 | davef

Here is some talk about MLC capacitor flex cracking...what happens with depanelizing: http://www.kemet.com/KEMET/web/homepage/kechome.nsf/vapubfiles/f2106/$file/f2106.pdf Here are some other files on breaking capacitors: http://www.avxcorp.com/doc

Ceramic capacitors cracking

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 04 15:45:16 EST 2003 | adlsmt

If you are physically breaking the boards apart and not using a depanelizer you will always have this problem. I have a machine shop that can make you one for about $3,000.00. You can buy one for around $5K new. Cab,FKN and some others make them. Be

Cracked chip capacitors

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 28 16:58:39 EST 2006 | PWH

Too fast heating/cooling rate in reflow (look at mfg's spec.). Z "overdrive" on pick and place or chipshooter though unlikely I would say. Depanelization method (bending a scored board to break it is tough on things). Bad PCB design - cap. too clo

Re: Broken capacitors

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 06 07:41:48 EST 2000 | John

To the post on the depaneling system. Almost any smt component can (and will according to Murphy's law) be damaged during hand breakout. Our company began using SMT a few years ago, and our primary customer absolutely will not allow us to hand brea

Re: Broken capacitors

Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 03 15:35:44 EST 2000 | Michael Nguyen

Wow. And I thought I was the only one having problem with ceramic capacitors.I too am having problem with cracking ceramic capacitors 1206 package.We changed vendors and still having the same problem. I had to reverify my entire process and I had to

Re: Broken capacitors

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 08 23:02:24 EST 2000 | LeeKibler

Beware the foam fluxer. I had a problem with cracked caps that just about drove me off the deep end. I discovered that my foam fluxer air knife was not turned on resulting in excessive flux. The excessive flux (VOC free) was not properly dried off

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