Electronics Forum: caring (Page 1 of 128)

Metal squeegees

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 06 08:55:05 EDT 2005 | stepheniii

If a rubber squeege is bumped on the edge, no biggee. But you have to be carefull the metal ones don't get dinged. All it takes is a little extra care but if your operators are used to handling the rubber one they might not increase the amount of c

Masking of PWBs prior to conformal coat

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 19 15:44:39 EDT 2006 | choppy

I'd also say to be very careful about contamination espacialy with boots. Some companies use oily products on there boots so be careful.

In your experience, do your customers care....

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 14 11:28:09 EDT 2008 | operator

I agree. The only way to make them care is to show them how it effects their pocket book. If you don't charge them they will continue not caring. If you do charge them you risk hurting their feelings and making them look bad in front of their bosses


Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 09 05:45:42 EDT 2009 | ghcarnu

Am comandat niste duze speciale pentru manipularea unor conectori miniatura; cel care s-a angajat sa le faca le-a testat pe un banc, nu pe masina, utilizand o sursa de vacuum care genera 26 inch de vacuum; voiam sa stiu daca Emerald genereaza cam tot

Re: Water filtration companies

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 10 16:18:18 EST 2001 | CAL

WWW.Culligan.com Should be able to take care of your needs. Cal

Re: The care and feeding of adhesive nozzles

Electronics Forum | Fri May 28 11:35:23 EDT 1999 | Robert Wells

Scotty, What type of glue machine are you using? Thanks in advance, Robert

Thanks for the help!

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 01 13:27:25 EDT 1998 | Ross Perot

I appreciate all of your responses. Take Care, Ross Perot

Fine Pitch Rework

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 14 22:44:36 EST 2002 | juan_flores

Also you have to be carefully because to many stress can damage the component internaly

Solder Tip Shroud

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 17 13:25:36 EDT 2002 | clarkk

Perhaps a rework fountain such as an Air-Vac might work with a carefully selected shroud.

Rework Station

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 13 17:48:12 EST 2003 | a

The SRT has powerful heaters but still not as powerful as the Air-Vac. If you care....

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