Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 06 07:02:31 EST 2019 | liquidspacie
We've found the problem. It was fault scale encoder. Swapping cards didn't help. Thanks everyone for the input.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 28 13:58:41 EST 2019 | oxygensmd
1. switch the axis cards 2. switch the axis servo cards 3. make sure the distance between scale and encoder is 400um 4. check the signal by oscilloscope, adjust to have the right signal 5. replace the scale or encoder
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 06 06:14:01 EST 2019 | youngbuck
Try changing conversion board. 2 big ribbon cables plug in to it. p./n 00321189. or the 2 ribbon cables may need to be reseated. Thanks, Ryan
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 28 13:40:53 EST 2019 | liquidspacie
Hello, I'm trying to fix this error and what I've done so far I cleaned (no scratches) measuring scale and swapped cards (gantry 1 & 2) and cleaned scale reader sensor. There are no spare parts, I'm just trding to narrow down the cause. Any suggestio
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 22 09:33:40 EDT 2000 | Sal
Guys Just completed a PI build. And for the first time found that some chip components are skewing. The board is approximately 8x8inches and is six layer double sided FR4. To minimise and eradicate solder balling all the chip components have been co
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 10 04:15:01 EST 2001 | Beny
Thanks for your advise Now I don't found Non-wetting defect at TIN COATED 0603 after I had increased peak temp and Time above 183 C. At film caps, I still found Non-wetting in high rate at film chip size 2416. I using PANASONIC's part with identif
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 11 11:26:09 EDT 2003 | Brian W.
Cracked capacitors usually are not found at ICT. Unless the cap is completely cracked, the capacitance may not change much, and the usual failure mode is a leakage current. This is usually only seen in ESS type testing, when temperature and humidit
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 10 07:24:56 EDT 2003 | pjc
I had a similar problem with cracked caps. I checked all my processes and finally found that the caps were cracked in the tape. Check the condition of the caps in the tape. This was unique to one mfg.- EPCOS.
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 06 23:34:25 EST 2001 | Beny
Pls. help. I�ve problem with non-wetting defect at capacitor termination. I have faced this problem at the 2 kinds of termination. One is chip capacitor 0603 that its outer termination surface composed with 100 Sn (Lead free) and another one is Sta
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 12 21:33:27 EDT 2000 | Micah Newcomb
Billy and Chris have a good point, pad size and geometry will affect proper aperture size and geometry and could result in tombstoning. Also I have seen chips which require special pastes but I have never found this to be the cause of tombstoning, in