Electronics Forum: chip resistor solder bridging (Page 1 of 22)

Contamination under chip resistor array

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 21 08:33:09 EDT 2008 | davef

There is no standard as such. It's easy to see why. It's too complicated and has such a small payoff. Standoff is comprised of: * Package height * Solder thickness between the pad and the component lead * Delta of pad thickness and solder mask For p

0402 bridging

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 02 17:32:53 EDT 2015 | jldowsey

Les, Some of the answers to design or stencil aperture/placement machine depend upon what is the current spacing between your components which you didn't specify. Chip components such as 0402's and 0201's typically have very small reductions in pas

Moisture under chip capacitors

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 11 15:23:31 EDT 2003 | Peter L.

I have come across a rash of failed assemblies that have 0805 capacitors and resistors, bottom side glued, wave soldered and washed. Trouble shooter reported touching up the solder joints on a few areas and the boards would pass test. I had a look a

Bottom side bridging

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 10 14:10:13 EDT 1998 | Jim Hoxie

We are having a bridging problem with SOIC 14,16 and 20 pin devices during flow solder of the bottom side of our boards. This bridging occurs about half way up the lead between the board and the body of the IC. The chip parts are no problem. The f

Bottom side bridging

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 10 14:08:51 EDT 1998 | Jim Hoxie

We are having a bridging problem with SOIC 14,16 and 20 pin devices during flow solder of the bottom side of our boards. This bridging occurs about half way up the lead between the board and the body of the IC. The chip parts are no problem. The f

Re: Bottom side bridging

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 10 15:59:51 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach

| We are having a bridging problem with SOIC 14,16 and 20 pin devices during flow solder of the bottom side of our boards. This bridging occurs about half way up the lead between the board and the body of the IC. The chip parts are no problem. The

Re: Bottom side bridging

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 10 20:35:59 EDT 1998 | Steve Gregory

| | We are having a bridging problem with SOIC 14,16 and 20 pin devices during flow solder of the bottom side of our boards. This bridging occurs about half way up the lead between the board and the body of the IC. The chip parts are no problem. T

Re: Bottom side bridging

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 13 08:42:32 EDT 1998 | Bob Silveri

| | | | We are having a bridging problem with SOIC 14,16 and 20 pin devices during flow solder of the bottom side of our boards. This bridging occurs about half way up the lead between the board and the body of the IC. The chip parts are no proble

Re: Bottom side bridging

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 15 15:04:18 EDT 1998 | D. Lange

| | | | We are having a bridging problem with SOIC 14,16 and 20 pin devices during flow solder of the bottom side of our boards. This bridging occurs about half way up the lead between the board and the body of the IC. The chip parts are no proble

Re: Bottom side bridging

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 15 14:57:20 EDT 1998 | D. Lange

| | | | We are having a bridging problem with SOIC 14,16 and 20 pin devices during flow solder of the bottom side of our boards. This bridging occurs about half way up the lead between the board and the body of the IC. The chip parts are no proble

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