Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 02 15:20:55 EDT 2002 | Eric
Is there a steadfast rule of thumb for a good solder joint on an Enig Gold board. I come across this number 217C when discussing BGA profiles. Is this a published number? I sure could use a reference. Anybody feedback is appreciated.
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 02 16:13:05 EDT 2002 | babe
Have you had your solder pot tested? I find that levels of contaminants can rend a solder joint that dull look.
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 26 14:43:43 EDT 2002 | Jim M.
unsure of what solder spec. your working to?.IPC/EIA J-STD-001C, Section 9.2.4 clearly states dull, matte, gray or grainy appearing solders are accpetable depending on your process and if the acceptability of the neaxt paragraph is met.IPC 610 and J-
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 02 18:18:58 EDT 2002 | davef
The steadfast rule of thumb is: In order to get reliable reflow, you need to be at or higher than [liquidus + 20�C] for about 5 to 10 seconds, rather than those old "60 seconds above 183�C" guideline. This provides for setting your peak based on the
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 26 11:44:23 EDT 2002 | abelardo
Hello everyone out there in the SMT world. I have a dilema I'm currently running a board that has 3 csp's with a .75 mm. ball pitch and .3mm ball size. And 2 qfp's-160. The stencil is 4 mils thick and I'm using a 63/37 solder paste. My reflow prof
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 26 20:43:51 EDT 2002 | davef
"OK. If the connection doesn't look like I expect it to look, how do I know that the metallurgy is correct?" Comments are: * There are no pictures that will get you though this. * You should expect that gold that is dissolved in Pb/Sn solder to make
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 31 13:09:17 EDT 2002 | gdstanton
Anyone have experience with Indium NC-SMQ92J solder paste used in an inert (N2) reflow oven?
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 01 07:06:28 EDT 2002 | gdstanton
Just exploring options to improve wetting. It turns out our facilities dept is looking at an N2 generator to supply dry boxes. Thought it might be a good idea to assess whether we should expand the project to include reflow.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 31 20:07:16 EDT 2002 | russ
Never used an inert atmosphere with this paste but always had great success with it. It leaves a pretty fair amount of residue but that was its only downside if you could call it that. do you need to run inert?
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 01 13:04:57 EDT 2002 | gdstanton
Its interesting. It appears I'm getting conflicting feeback from Indium. This says its not a problem... http://indium.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/indium.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_sid=kTDKGClg&p_lva=&p_faqid=355&p_created=1014734692&p_sp=cF9ncmlkc29