Electronics Forum: computed and tomography (Page 1 of 6)

Mycronic and windows 11

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 20 01:10:36 EDT 2023 | daniel_stanphill

We are trying to upgrade our computers to windows 11 and are now unable to use Mycenter and MyPlan. Does anyone have any experience setting up a virtual machine to run mycronic applications?

IP1 and SSOP28

Electronics Forum | Tue May 18 16:40:22 EDT 2010 | m79d

I am having some problems getting the IP1 to place a SSOP28 package,pitch 0.65mm lead width 0.3mm. I am selecting computer vision 012 (tried 011) and vision type 100. EL data was put in looking at the datasheet and also measuring the device. Have tri

Wave flux and profiling

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 16 08:23:11 EST 2006 | pr

The "Wave optimizer" is a little pricey but is easy to use, gives instant feedback (display on the unit as opposed to hooking it up to a computer)and will give feedback on the waves, as well as preheat. They will send you a unit to trial for a week o

Imm Silver and Voiding

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 26 23:33:20 EDT 2006 | KEN

We saw this condition over 3 years ago. It sometimes is called "champagne bubbles". The intemetalic formation is interrupted due to the micro voiding reducing mechanical strength. I discovered this on lead free test vehicles for a major computer

SMTnet Cookies and You

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 07 11:51:51 EDT 1998 | Clifford Peaslee

You may have noticed that we have started using cookies on the site, and I wanted to explain the importance of cookies. Cookies are used at SMTnet to facilitate future enhancements of the site like personalizing your experience while browsing our si

Conveyors and bar code

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 23 14:59:32 EDT 2006 | bill

I�ve been lurking on the forum for a while so I will take a stab at this, mainly because there is no answer I take it that you have a variety of boards being produced at the same time and are in fixtures so the conveyors don�t need to be adjusted, a

Computing Route and Retain tabs

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 29 23:08:06 EDT 2010 | laen

What software are people using to compute route and retain tabs on panels? I produce some complicated (150 board, 80+ different design) panels, and I haven't found a good way to programmatically compute where to place the tabs. Thanks.

Suzuki Pick and Place computer

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 13 07:59:36 EDT 2011 | mikegamble

Is there anyone out there that can assist - my Suzuki 1200 P+P runs off a Fujitsu FM R-50cli computer. The computer has lost its BIOS and I cannot boot the machine. Any help to resolve would be great or any pointers as to where I can buy a replacemen

PDBE and PBB replacements???

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 11 18:30:50 EST 2005 | davef

Russ: In December 2003, the European Commission released the following statement: �The commission services have prepared a draft Commission decision establishing maximum concentration values pursuant to Article5(1)(a) of Directive 2002/95/EC. The pr

Suzuki Pick and Place computer

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 11 15:24:54 EDT 2011 | jeff_bizzell


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