Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 20 01:10:36 EDT 2023 | daniel_stanphill
We are trying to upgrade our computers to windows 11 and are now unable to use Mycenter and MyPlan. Does anyone have any experience setting up a virtual machine to run mycronic applications?
Electronics Forum | Tue May 18 16:40:22 EDT 2010 | m79d
I am having some problems getting the IP1 to place a SSOP28 package,pitch 0.65mm lead width 0.3mm. I am selecting computer vision 012 (tried 011) and vision type 100. EL data was put in looking at the datasheet and also measuring the device. Have tri
Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 16 08:23:11 EST 2006 | pr
The "Wave optimizer" is a little pricey but is easy to use, gives instant feedback (display on the unit as opposed to hooking it up to a computer)and will give feedback on the waves, as well as preheat. They will send you a unit to trial for a week o
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 26 23:33:20 EDT 2006 | KEN
We saw this condition over 3 years ago. It sometimes is called "champagne bubbles". The intemetalic formation is interrupted due to the micro voiding reducing mechanical strength. I discovered this on lead free test vehicles for a major computer
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 07 11:51:51 EDT 1998 | Clifford Peaslee
You may have noticed that we have started using cookies on the site, and I wanted to explain the importance of cookies. Cookies are used at SMTnet to facilitate future enhancements of the site like personalizing your experience while browsing our si
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 23 14:59:32 EDT 2006 | bill
I�ve been lurking on the forum for a while so I will take a stab at this, mainly because there is no answer I take it that you have a variety of boards being produced at the same time and are in fixtures so the conveyors don�t need to be adjusted, a
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 29 23:08:06 EDT 2010 | laen
What software are people using to compute route and retain tabs on panels? I produce some complicated (150 board, 80+ different design) panels, and I haven't found a good way to programmatically compute where to place the tabs. Thanks.
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 13 07:59:36 EDT 2011 | mikegamble
Is there anyone out there that can assist - my Suzuki 1200 P+P runs off a Fujitsu FM R-50cli computer. The computer has lost its BIOS and I cannot boot the machine. Any help to resolve would be great or any pointers as to where I can buy a replacemen
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 11 18:30:50 EST 2005 | davef
Russ: In December 2003, the European Commission released the following statement: �The commission services have prepared a draft Commission decision establishing maximum concentration values pursuant to Article5(1)(a) of Directive 2002/95/EC. The pr