Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 11 13:38:52 EDT 2023 | lauri
We have a Contact 3AV pick and place and we can't get the table to home. Any solutions?
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 23 11:55:27 EST 2001 | aiscorp
I gather from your question that you might have experienced large scale system implementation problems in the past, or at least fear experiencing it in the future. This is a very valid concern based on the performance of traditional CIM systems. Fo
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 25 11:09:34 EST 1999 | Joe
We are trying to decide between a Contact Systems Model 3AV or a Multitronix Model DHM120 P&P machine. Any advice or feedback would be apreciated. Joe
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 05 10:22:27 EST 1999 | Mike Wagner
| We are trying to decide between a Contact Systems Model 3AV or a Multitronix Model DHM120 P&P machine. Any advice or feedback would be apreciated. | | Joe | Why not consider the Philips Topaz. The worlds number one seller in mid-range placement m
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 05 18:09:38 EST 1999 | Earl Moon
| | We are trying to decide between a Contact Systems Model 3AV or a Multitronix Model DHM120 P&P machine. Any advice or feedback would be apreciated. | | | | Joe | | | Why not consider the Philips Topaz. The worlds number one seller in mid-range p
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 02 07:59:32 EST 2009 | shannond
Contact Greg Frazier at Automated Technology Services, he may be able to help you. He's been fixing my Fujis for a long time. greg.frazier@ats-smt.com
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 25 01:35:56 EST 2010 | orproadamshaw
Hi, As stated above development of the systems we took over from Orbotech has not ceased. I don't know which geographic region you are in, but your first contact should be either a Business Partner, or ORPRO Vision support direct in the region. On
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 26 10:47:39 EST 2010 | oeidave
Hi, Thank you for posting your question. Omron Electronics provides both High End AOI and 3D SPI systems. I believe that our S7oo series AOi and VP 5000 or VP 6000 3D SPI systems will meet your needs. Please feel free to contact me via email (david.
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 06 11:37:17 EST 2003 | msivigny
Hello Phil, sorry for the confusion, because of our level of defect control and tracking at each process step, we did not use AOI systems at the time. We had a manual inspection station after reflow, then ICT and Functional/Final test for each produc
Electronics Forum | Thu May 28 10:57:10 EDT 1998 | John
Our company is currently looking to implement a SMT production line. What I am looking for is feedback on people's experiences with various machines. Here's what we are in the market for: Low/Mid volume 3,000+cph machine that can handle high job fle