Electronics Forum: conveyor technologies 36 inch conveyor (Page 1 of 2)

DynaPace C17727 48 inch Con

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 10 11:36:44 EST 2010 | reic1

We just recently purchased a Dynapace 48" conveyor with digital display. Am in need of operation and maintenance manuals. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Re: Need suggestions on conformal coat curing oven

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 14 20:39:02 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| I need to cure conformal coat on a 19" x 15" board. The material needs 7 - 10 minutes at 100deg C, but I have limited floorspace so I'm looking for an oven with about 36 inches heated length and 18 or more inch wide belt. The material we are consid

Re: Wavesolder process characterization

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 19 12:45:05 EST 1998 | Earl Moon

| I have an Electrovert Ultrapak 445 Wavesolder machine with 3 IR preheat zones and a single wave with omega wave. | I want to run a DOE (Taguchi) to determine the optimum settings for soldering both single-sided and | double-sided boards. Can any

wave soldering and solder bridge

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 17 12:06:58 EST 2007 | pjc

5 Steps to Eliminate Bridges: 1. Establish (wave) Parallelism First and foremost, you must establish board-to-wave parallelism. This is the prerequisite to any wave solder process control. For an understanding of the power of this approach go to ht

Brush-Up Your Intermetalics!!!

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 17 21:31:06 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| | Does anyone know where I can find a list of things to do to when troubleshooting issues during the wave solder process? | | | | for example: | | | | Solder Bridge | | 1.verify amount of flux been aplied. | | 2.verify turbulance on your solder w

Re: More informations on water clean for CSP/BGA package

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 06 23:36:28 EDT 1999 | karlin

| | | Hi, | | | | | | Help! Could anyone help to enlighten me on this? | | | | | | Question: | | | | | | If I have a CSP/BGA package of size X by Y and the standoff gap between the component and PCB is Z, What is the maximum allowable Y/Z or X/Z

Re: smt reliability vs thru hole

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 18 12:36:11 EST 2000 | Dave F

Dave: I haven't located something to support your contention, yet, and I'm not going to comment on the factors that drive reliability beyond component selection, because I know that you've got some sweaty-palmed sales type wringing his hands waiting

Foam fluxer maintenance, storage and cleaning

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 09 09:44:22 EST 2015 | davef

Purpose. This describes setting-up a wave soldering system set-up for a new assembly design or checking a wave solder machine operation with a test board. Applicability. To be used for new design printed circuit assembles and during machine accept

Re: Brush-Up Your Intermetalics!!!

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 17 22:10:48 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | | Does anyone know where I can find a list of things to do to when troubleshooting issues during the wave solder process? | | | | | | for example: | | | | | | Solder Bridge | | | 1.verify amount of flux been aplied. | | | 2.verify turbulance on

Re: wave solder process

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 17 15:18:54 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| Does anyone know where I can find a list of things to do to when troubleshooting issues during the wave solder process? | | for example: | | Solder Bridge | 1.verify amount of flux been aplied. | 2.verify turbulance on your solder wave. | 3.etc.

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