Electronics Forum: cp40 and adjust and blow (Page 1 of 1)

Thinking of Led lamp and resistor

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 28 04:56:12 EDT 2016 | lilybell

I read a few posts here about resistor in led applications. The thing is, the resistor has clarified as this shows:was always use with a power source delivering a higher forward voltage than the led could tolerate(ex: a 9volt battery hook up to a 3w

Foam fluxer maintenance, storage and cleaning

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 08 15:27:25 EST 2015 | davef

Thinner: Flux thinner, NOT paint thinner We kept a spare stone in thinner in inventory. We cut PVC pipe to size, cap in one end, screw thread on the other, stone inside, filled with flux thinner and covered with a screw cap. I don't remember who we


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