Electronics Forum: cp6 thermal error (Page 1 of 9)

cp6 communication error

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 26 23:12:58 EDT 2009 | mysmt


cp6 communication error

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 26 17:06:56 EDT 2009 | andoe

when i transmitt data to the cp6 every thing seems to go okay until the end and i get a -- "A21E transmission error". i have checked the cable (i can program my IP3) any ideas? thanks ron

cp6 communication error

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 30 15:32:33 EDT 2009 | jimmyboz

most fuji error codes are 8 digits, A21E is 2100A21E, it is a report from the MCS that transmission has failed (we knew that) Hit control E from the main screen of the MCS, there should be another error reported from the cp6, ie. 1101000 is x data ou

cp6 communication error

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 31 09:53:59 EDT 2009 | fujiphil

after sending all the datas.... proper, program and status... Re-boot the machine...

cp6 communication error

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 02 08:03:24 EDT 2009 | kircchoffs

disable windows firewall

cp6 communication error

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 01 05:28:49 EDT 2009 | aj

start skipping out some parts and try to transmit? could be a dodgy part data... Best thing to do is skip out everything except one part and see how you get on with the transmission and work from there. If it transmits start addin a few more until y

cp6 "original pin error"

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 01 11:46:09 EDT 2009 | andoe

when the cp6 loads a board everything seems normal / as the table drops the pcb lines up onto the origan hole and then instantly fails with -- "original pin error" we have run this board before. any ideas? thanks

Fuji cp6 placement issues

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 11 06:57:22 EDT 2015 | cyber_wolf

Linux, The amount of error that you are describing is about the thickness of a human hair. Unless you are placing 0201's I can't understand why .12 is an issue. There are many factors that can effect placement accuracy on a CP6 For instance: 1. M

Fuji cp6 servo amp alarm

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 18 03:02:07 EDT 2015 | linux

Hello everyone. Need urgent help with our cp6, when front door is open servo amp alarm comes up, this error will clear using the reset button. Has anyone any idea how I would go about fixing this issue.

Fuji IP3 MTU Servo error

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 11 15:31:10 EST 2020 | sumote

We have not used out tray handler in several years, and when I had a need arise the thing now throws a Servo Error "MTU1 ALARM [11081010]. There are 4 servo packs in the cabinet. When I try to initialize/zero out the machine the 2nd and 4th servo pa

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