Electronics Forum: daugtherboards and soldering (Page 1 of 107)

Solder beads and wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 10 09:25:47 EDT 2006 | nodlac

Here is a nugget from the Data Sheet... Wave Soldering: Excess moisture on the PCB during soldering may lead to random solder balling and poor wetting of some solder joints. IT IS IMPORTANT that the flux solvent carrier (water) is fully evaporated a

CSP and BGA soldering difference.

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 06 08:32:47 EDT 2007 | davef

Haris: On your soldering issues, we don't know the make-up of your component. We don't know the type solder balls on the component. We don't know the solder paste you plan to use. Your component and paste supplier are better sources for this type o

wave soldering and solder bridge

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 17 10:46:04 EST 2007 | realchunks

First of all, more info is needed. Solder shorts can be caused by much more than flux. Is the solder short always in the same spot or all over the place? More detail please.

Solder beads and wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 05 09:00:13 EDT 2006 | russ

Sounds like possibly too little preheat. Russ

CSP and BGA soldering difference.

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 05 05:05:09 EDT 2007 | Haris

Still confused what you are trying to say? And I didnt get the answer regarding soldering profile.

wave soldering and solder bridge

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 17 21:11:13 EST 2007 | davef

Thanks bud. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all.

Flip Chip and lead-free soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 20 16:08:18 EDT 2000 | Grant Baynham

Do you have any experience with flip chip applications using lead-free solder, and specifically do you have any information revealing how the process parameters for standard air reflow atmosphere can be modified to match the results for solder reflow

wave soldering and solder bridge

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 17 02:08:21 EST 2007 | mun4o

Hi, I have a lot of solder bridge in our wave soldering process.We use SACX0307 and Surf 11 flux.the SW mashine is Vitronics delta 6622.Itry to change flux and termoprofile but results is not god.Can you halp me - recommend me some flux or other adv

Solder beads and wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 05 13:30:37 EDT 2006 | Chris Griffin

Likely causes of this are: -Preheat temp. too low -too much dross -uncured epoxy -PCB contamination ...also varify the solder flow over the wave is smooth.

Solder beads and wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 06 04:41:58 EDT 2006 | Rob

MF300S is quite an old flux, & a lot has happened since then on the flow solder front - are you sure it's designed for Lead free, or is it just a traditional flux that SHOULD work OK with Lead free?

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