Electronics Forum: dek and drift (Page 1 of 8)

DEK 265 Horizon fiducial drift in the Y

Electronics Forum | Mon May 16 20:04:33 EDT 2022 | rob1

Thanks for the reply.

DEK 265 Horizon fiducial drift in the Y

Electronics Forum | Mon May 16 13:15:16 EDT 2022 | richardcargill

The camera crashing is usually a fault with the encoder on the Y motor assembly. someething to do with not finding a home pulse I think. Anyway, replace the motor/encoder and recalibrate and you should be good to go

DEK 265 Horizon fiducial drift in the Y

Electronics Forum | Mon May 02 21:26:23 EDT 2022 | rob1

I have a problem with DEK 265 Horizon. During camera being homed after checking the fiducials, the camera failed to home properly and crashed into the back of the machine in the Y direction. I homed the camera in the Y and it appeared OK and I could

DEK 265 Horizon fiducial drift in the Y

Electronics Forum | Tue May 03 16:36:09 EDT 2022 | dwl

I don't know anything about DEKs so while you wait for a more informed response, here are a few brain droppings... Did something get knocked loose on the camera assembly? give everything a wiggle test and make sure it stays in place. Is the encoder

Re: MoonMan and Tetras

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 27 05:26:14 EDT 1999 | Charles Stringer

| | Hey MoonMan, | | | | Did I catch in one of your fabulous threads that you're using Tetra stencils? I'm anxious to find out how you're liking them. | | | | We we're all set up to go to Tetras, then mgt decided to close down our factory - Dooop!

Re: MoonMan and Tetras

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 27 09:26:43 EDT 1999 | Chrys Shea

| | | Hey MoonMan, | | | | | | Did I catch in one of your fabulous threads that you're using Tetra stencils? I'm anxious to find out how you're liking them. | | | | | | We we're all set up to go to Tetras, then mgt decided to close down our factor

Re: MoonMan and Tetras

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 26 17:31:14 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| Hey MoonMan, | | Did I catch in one of your fabulous threads that you're using Tetra stencils? I'm anxious to find out how you're liking them. | | We we're all set up to go to Tetras, then mgt decided to close down our factory - Dooop! "Foiled"

Re: IPC and Nepcon

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 18 14:42:22 EST 1998 | Dave F

| I heard somewhere that SMEMA has joined IPC, and that the association has decided to boycott Nepcon from | year 2000. Can anyone tell me if this is true | Nick: SMEMA and IPC are talking about merging (EP&P, 11/98, p 18). Below is a news release

Printer and Reflow Oven Recommendations

Electronics Forum | Thu May 14 10:00:14 EDT 2015 | swag

I like MpM personally - run forever and programming is easy and leads you through it. It's hard to miss a step of programming with MpM software. DEK's a little harder (for me) but still very nice controls. The pluses of DEK - DEK has a high freque

Quick Frame and Dek 265GS

Electronics Forum | Wed May 20 07:13:15 EDT 1998 | smd

Does anyone use the "Quick Frame" with their Dek printer? The threads on the screws keep stripping, so we thought maybe we'd send our frames to a machine shop for heftier screws. Has anyone done this? Is there a better way? Isn't it weird how Alpha k

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